Man donates part of liver to baby in ICU after donating kidney to his best friend

Meet Josh, a Los Angeles man who’s given a lot more than most of us. It’s not money that he’s been giving, though.

Josh Harrold has been helping others by being an organ donor.

He’s donated part of his kidney to a baby girl, and that’s not the first time he’s done that. But some may be wondering why Josh has no qualms doing this more than once.

It all began nine years earlier when his wife, Erica, had a nasty brain tumor.

Every doctor they spoke to proved unhelpful and pessimistic. They all told the couple that there was nothing they could do, and that the tumor was inoperable. Even with chemotherapy, she’d only have around 4 years to live – or so they said.

But it turned out that pessimism was just that – pessimism. They refused to give up. Their search took them to USC, where they found a neurosurgeon with much better news than the rest.

‘Yeah, let’s do it.’ said the neurosurgeon

The operation was a success, and Erica made it out cancer-free.

This would be just one of two significant moments that would inspire Josh to give back.

It was when his daughter, Amelia, was born prematurely that he was set on the path he’s on now.

Josh remained in the neonatal intensive care unit for 8 whole weeks. Numerous people were outside the NICU and Josh took notice. They were all there for the same reason: they were worried and in pain.

And that sight impacted Josh severely.

When the day came that his friend, Kelly Van Den Berghe, needed a kidney, she reached out to all her friends and relatives on Facebook.

Kelly had developed polycystic kidney disease, and without a new kidney, she would have to live a difficult life full of regular dialysis.

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Josh saw her post, and gave his wife one look before she figured out that he wanted to do it.

A healthy person’s kidney regenerates over a period of a few weeks anyway, so Josh had nothing to lose.

The kidney donation saved Van Den Berghe’s life, and she could not be any more thankful for it.

“He’s part of me. And my kidneys are perfect. So he saved my life.” she said

Years later, he did it again. Josh is now donating 25% of his liver to a little girl who he’d never met before.

All he knew then was that she was less than a year old. Now, we know her name is Kelly and she has biliary atresia.

Josh’s liver donation made Kelly’s cross a lot easier to bear, and even now she’s makin astounding progress.

“I went in for a battery of tests and luckily everything matched out. It seems like I’m this baby’s perfect match.” he said

Josh now encourages anyone who can to donate organs or blood too.

It might be slightly uncomfortable or scary to you, but it could also be genuinely life-saving to another.

Look no further than Van Der Berghe, who was spared from a life of dialysis with a simple kidney donation from Josh.

“Whether it’s just checking that donor box on your driver’s license, or giving blood… You don’t have to go to the extremes that I’m going to, but anybody can be a hero.” he said in his own words

Listen to him talk about his story in the video below. Please share this article as well!

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Source: ABC7 on YouTube,, Josh Harrold on Facebook
