Man separated from elephant friends 14 months calls out in river and there’s no stopping them

Elephants possess a sharp memory.

They are known for their massive size and their incredible recollection of past events.

Oh! They’re also known for their irrationally strong aversion to mice, of all things.

Pexels - Adriaan Greyling Source: Pexels - Adriaan Greyling

Their memories often consist of those that will help them survive.

It could be either for a food source or defense against their possible opponents in the wild.

These memories aren’t affected by distance or time.

An elephant rescue organization staff proved this trait. Darrick Thomson has been working for some time already with Save Elephant Foundation.

The organization aims to protect the elephants in Asia by providing for their needs and protecting the habitat where they grow.

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Moreover, they also educate people on how to conduct an ecotourism program which will also be beneficial to these gentle creatures.

In the video, Thomson calls out.

He’s calling out into the open space while the elephants are charging their way to him.

The herd of elephants is walking down the river and moving towards the man standing in the middle.

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After some time, the elephants can be heard making noises as if answering his call in a friendly and excited way.

It’s a truly heartwarming reunion.

Upon reaching where Darrick stands, the elephants start to circle around him as if showing how happy they are to see him.

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Thomson had been away for 14 months to attend to other matters, which is why he spent some time away from the group.

Yet, it looks as if they never forgot a single spec of detail when it comes to their good friend.

They are too smart, aren’t they?

The caretaker continues to stroke the side of one elephant while it flaps its ears in excitement.

It can be felt that the elephants were happy to be reunited with him again.

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The scene shows their deep connection.

Darrick simply melts into the folds of his beloved animals. Elephants can easily distinguish the humans or other elephants that can help them during trouble.

The recorded incident has gone viral. It was so wonderful that the people who watched the video could share the feelings between the herd and Thomson.

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Darrick’s video has over 12 million views.

“I love how they approach him with their trunks outstretched. It’s just like how people approach their friends, arms out and ready to embrace.” commented one of the viewers.

Darrick’s passion and love for the group of Kham Lha elephants emanated and became significant for the whole herd.

His care and assistance to the elephants have been important to them, which is why they took note of him.

YouTube Screenshot - elephantnews Source: YouTube Screenshot - elephantnews

Thomson has helped them to keep their group from thriving. Thus, he is part of their core memory and cannot be forgotten.

Their relationship is unique and noteworthy.

The loyalty of the herd towards Darrick is remarkable, especially during these times when some animals are becoming extinct.

YouTube Screenshot - elephantnews Source: YouTube Screenshot - elephantnews

It is also fulfilling for Thomson to know that the elephants trust him for survival.

Indeed, Mother Nature works in unique ways!

Check out their heartwarming meet-up below!

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Source: YouTube – elephantnews, Save Elephant Foundation, Cleveland Zoological Society
