Man walks into his bedroom and finds a random cat giving birth under the bed

When Paris Zarcilla came home from work one day, he was in a pretty bad place. Little did he know that his saving grace was already in his building.

Paris Zarcilla is an award-winning British director and writer.

Paris Zarcilla/Instagram Source: Paris Zarcilla/Instagram

He works in a tough industry, with many ups and downs.

During one spring, he was having a particularly rough time with work, when something amazing happened.

One day, he came home and heard a strange noise from underneath his bed. He looked for the source of the noise, worrying that there might be a mouse in his room. Instead, it was a cat and four kittens.

Paris Zarcilla/Twitter Source: Paris Zarcilla/Twitter

At first, Paris didn’t know what to do. But pretty soon, he realized that he had to look after the mother and her babies.

His paternal instincts kicked in right away. So he canceled his plans and spent the night in, looking after the mother and babies.

He started posting his experience to Twitter. And soon hundreds of thousands of people were telling Paris that he was doing the right thing.

Paris Zarcilla/Twitter Source: Paris Zarcilla/Twitter

So he started canceling any orders he had made and bought cat food for the mother instead.

That was when Paris revealed how the cats had come at just the right time. His depression and anxiety had been getting increasingly worse. But the cats had given him a sense of purpose.

Paris Zarcilla/Twitter Source: Paris Zarcilla/Twitter

In fact, Paris said that he was having the best day of his life.

But soon the worry kicked in again. He realized that the cat may not be a stray. Instead, she could have wandered into his home after getting lost. He was already getting attached to the animals.

Paris Zarcilla/Twitter Source: Paris Zarcilla/Twitter

Before he fell even more in love with the animals, Paris decided to see if anyone owned the cats. So he called Cat Protection and stuck up found posters around his neighborhood. He hoped no one would respond to the posters. He was wrong.

Luckily, all of the callers proved to not actually be the owners of the mother cat. They were instead looking for cats of different descriptions. When the calls tapered off, Paris breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, he would have to check to see if the mother cat was chipped. But the mother couldn’t be moved away from the kittens for six weeks.

So Paris waited until he could take the mother cat and kittens into the vet. He tried and failed to avoid become even more attached to the animals.

Paris Zarcilla/Twitter Source: Paris Zarcilla/Twitter

Finally, enough time had passed from the birth for the mother and kittens to be able to go to the vet. Paris went on what he called “the longest and most reluctant journey ever made.”

When the vet checked the mother for a chip, his heart was pounding. He was hoping so much that the cat would have no chip.

Paris Zarcilla/Twitter Source: Paris Zarcilla/Twitter

The vet gave him good news. No one owned her. The cat and kittens could stay with him.

Over the next few months, Paris got used to becoming an official cat dad. He had already completely fallen in love with the animals, but now he was free to fully show that love.

Paris Zarcilla/Twitter Source: Paris Zarcilla/Twitter

Pretty soon, Paris had the cats vaccinated, neutered, chipped and named. The kittens are called Machiavelli (Mac,) Pancake, Ronin and Tomorrow. The mother is called Queen.

Paris has since gone on to write and direct more award-nominated/winning films. The cats have really given him a whole new lease on life!

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Source: Paris Zarcilla/Twitter
