Man finds a starved husky – showers her with love and care so she can make an amazing recovery

When Rico Soegiart was walking home from work, he stumbled across a shocking sight. A poor husky was so thin that she could barely stand.

At first, Rico struggled to identify what kind of dog he had come across. But her distinctive eyes showed that she was a husky. He could also see that those eyes were pleading with him for help.

Rico Soegiarto/Facebook Source: Rico Soegiarto/Facebook

So Rico picked the dog up and took her. He could feel that she was all skin and bones.

The first thing that Rico did was give the husky a hearty meal. The dog ate rapidly. Clearly, she had had no food in a long time. Then Rico gave her a good wash, hoping to remove any fleas and bacteria that she had picked up.

When the animal was washed, she was already looking better. She had also gained a lot of energy from the food. Rico had thought that the dog would not live for much longer. But now he had hope. And he could tell that the husky did too. In fact, Rico decided to name the dog Hope.

Over the next few days, Rico took Hope to the vet. The vet was unsure if Hope would pull through but encouraged Rico to keep on trying.

Rico Soegiarto/Facebook Source: Rico Soegiarto/Facebook

Luckily, Hope started to gain weight. Pretty soon, she started to look like a healthy dog.

And over the next few months, Hope kept on changing in subtle ways. In fact, Rico himself was shocked when he looked back on old pictures of Hope and realized how much she’d improved.

Rico Soegiarto/Facebook Source: Rico Soegiarto/Facebook

Now Rico and Hope are best friends. Hope knows that she owes her life to Rico. Therefore, she is fiercely loyal to him, even for a dog!

But Hope in many ways has saved other dogs too. Rico’s experience of nursing her back to health has inspired him to take in more rescue dogs. Today, Hope is one of five dogs that Rico and his girlfriend have saved from the streets.

Rico Soegiarto/Facebook Source: Rico Soegiarto/Facebook

Rico also took to Facebook to show off Hope’s recovery. He recorded a video of himself with his first beloved rescue dog. That video really resonated with people on the social media site. To date, it has managed to gain over four million views. It also has over 194,000 reactions, 2,200 shares and 7,300 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Rico Soegiarto/Facebook Source: Rico Soegiarto/Facebook

Rico Soegiarto lives in Bali, Indonesia, which has a large problem with stray dogs. That’s because there are many incidents of people dumping unwanted puppies all over the island.

The problem is made particularly bad due to people wanting guard dogs and rejecting females, whom they regard as unfit for the job.

Yanwongwg/Instagram Source: Yanwongwg/Instagram

As well as this, the stray dogs of Bali face other difficulties. For instance, since there was an outbreak of rabies, many people have been poisoning stray dogs. Some places also practice religious sacrifices on dogs and eat dog meat.

Luckily, there are also many people like Rico, who do what they can for the stray dogs of Bali. If only all of the dogs could be saved like Hope was!

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Source: Rico Soegiarto, Barc
