Owner hosts Zoom call with his two dogs to talk discuss doggy business in the household

Lately, we’ve been spending lots of time with our pets while in quarantine. Our days have been filled with dog-walking and any other activity to keep our wagging friends happy. While some of our pets are ecstatic to have us around all of the time, others are just too cool to hang out. But this witty owner found a perfect way to get his pet’s together for a little family meeting via Zoom.


Facebook/Gilberto Reyes Source: Facebook/Gilberto Reyes

The video chatting service has changed the game while we’re socially distancing and people all over the world are hosting meeting’s from the comfort of their homes. So why not call a Zoom dog meeting?

BBC host Andrew Cotter wanted to have some fun with his adorable labradors and organize a puppy performance meeting.

YouTube/mrandrewcotter Source: YouTube/mrandrewcotter

His dogs Olive and Mable were up for the challenge and surprisingly they could figure out Zoom better than most humans. Olive the black lab was attentively and ready to listen to his owner while Mable the yellow lab wasn’t too thrilled to sit still. Andrew wanted to discuss their performance over the last couple of weeks.

Puppy Talk

YouTube/mrandrewcotter Source: YouTube/mrandrewcotter

Since they’ve all been busy running around together, it seemed like quarantine was a perfect time to talk about puppy behavior. Andrew begins with the ‘Annual Report’ informing both Olive and Mabel about their tendency to ruin the sofas. He also informed them about the 913 squirrels chased with none of them being caught!

Company Meeting

YouTube/mrandersoncotter Source: YouTube/mrandersoncotter

This adorable meeting was boring Mable as she stopped to scratch herself. Olive sits very in tune with what her beloved owner Andrew had to say. While troublemaker Mable just couldn’t care less. The back and forth between both Andrew and his dogs is absolutely hilarious.

Working Like A Dog

YouTube/mrandrewcotter Source: YouTube/mrandrewcotter

It might even have you wondering how long exactly did it take for him to get his pups ready for the Zoom meeting? Either way, there’s no denying how candid this puppy meeting was. Olive’s great behavior was definitely rewarded in this family Zoom meeting. Thanks to Mables less attentive behavior, Olive got to outshine her sister Mabel as she was awarded a great walk in her future.


Youtube/mrandrewcotter Source: Youtube/mrandrewcotter

Mable had a little different report card and it looked like that was the last thing she was worried about. Although she was a bit of a rebel, it was precious to watch Mable’s misbehavior during the company meeting. The Zoom dog meeting between Andrew and his two labs has over 1 million views on YouTube. The moment you watch it you’ll understand why. Olive and Mable’s next company meeting will definitely be an interesting one and hopefully Mable doesn’t act out as she did in this one.

Doggy Business As Usual

YouTube/mrandrewcotter Source: YouTube/mrandrewcotter

But really can you blame her? We can hardly sit through our Zoom meetings… unless it’s Zoom happy hour. Olive and Mable are certainly a dynamic duo and no matter how their company meeting went Andrew is proud to have such awesome sidekicks. You might even want to organize your very own pet meeting after you watch this hilarious video.

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Source: Shareably, Reddit, Animal Channel Co
