Man pretends he's hurt by Golden Retriever puppy's bite and the pup's response is too precious

Babies and dogs are the most adorable creatures that you would ever see on the internet, wouldn’t you agree? Their innocence and raw reactions toward almost everything are absolutely priceless and it’s hard not to fall in love with them.

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Consider yourself lucky if you get the best of both worlds, baby + dog = puppy!

Bites from a little pooch.

YouTube - The Fluffiest Source: YouTube - The Fluffiest

In this video that was uploaded just a couple of months ago, we are going to witness “relentless attacks” from a puppy! Her victim? It’s none other than her human dad who decided to make fun of her innocence.

The video shows the dog owner laying on a comfy bed and on top of his belly is “Mia”, a golden retriever puppy. Brace yourselves because the following scenes are exactly the way the video was described, “Cuteness Overload.”

YouTube - The Fluffiest Source: YouTube - The Fluffiest

The man and his dog looked like they are having fun on a delightful day when suddenly, dad decided to poke fun at his puppy. He started by putting his fingers right in front of Mia’s snout, of course, the unsuspecting pup gave it a bite. As soon as Mia launched that puppy bite, her human started acting like it really hurt.

YouTube - The Fluffiest Source: YouTube - The Fluffiest

As innocent as she could ever be, the baby pooch stared at him, bewildered by what was happening.

Priceless reaction from an innocent pup.

YouTube - The Fluffiest Source: YouTube - The Fluffiest

Perhaps, Mia didn’t know if she bit her human dad too hard or not. Nonetheless, the outcome of the “prank” came out successful, but at the expense of the innocence of the beautiful baby dog. To make up for her “mistake”, little Mia even licked her dad’s fingers, it’s like her subtle way of saying sorry.

Here, we were able to form a question, do dogs actually know when they hurt someone? Do they feel sorry or guilty whenever they bite their humans?

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According to, “Dogs can feel bad and show emotions when they hurt you by accident. They combine their senses to gather information to recognize the human emotional state. They combine facial expressions and body language to let us know how they feel… They respond to a person’s tone of voice and gestures. Dogs can show embarrassment, shame, or regret in their body movements or facial expressions.”

The website also managed to somehow explain the licking done by little Mia.

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“When a dog hurts you, he or she may be trying to show that they care. As humans, we should respond in the same way when our pet does something wrong, as we do when it behaves well.”

However, they also explained that dogs do not have any idea when they hurt someone simply because they don’t understand the concept of pain in the same way, we, humans do. Even though they can feel shame, relief, or fear, they don’t know as much when something is already harmful, particularly to humans.

What Mia’s owner did was actually some kind of discipline training. It’s an effective way of teaching a pup how to be gentle toward humans and how to properly respond to a human’s reactions.

The dog owner repeatedly did the prank to which Mia unknowingly obliged without noticing a bit that her dad was just playing with her.

The adorable video already amassed a whopping 3.2 million views! Most people who commented on it expressed how adorable little Mia’s reactions were.

Watch the video below if you are having a bad day.

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Source: YouTube – The Fluffiest, Humble Dogs
