Man pretends Golden Retriever puppy's bite hurt and it's cuteness overload

Can you teach your dog what “ouch!” means?

Dogs are naturally and notoriously playful. Depending on the breed, either you get home with a dog sleeping on the couch or a dog with half a couch ripped by its mouth.

Training them can take a while so a content creator showed how he teaches his dog some biting manners while he is still a puppy.

Through the channel The Fluffiest, a golden retriever owner showed how adorable his puppy is.

He is shown lying down on the bed with the sprightly puppy on his lap. Dogs love to play, even more so, the little ones.

YouTube Screenshot - The Fluffiest Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Fluffiest

In the video, the owner can be seen reaching for the puppy’s snout. The little dog, curious and playful as he is, bites on a finger.

His owner quickly retracts his finger.

The little puppy was confused at first then he saw his owner’s face contort in pain. Did he really do something to hurt his human?

YouTube Screenshot - The Fluffiest Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Fluffiest

The puppy pauses a bit. It was visibly worried about his owner’s reaction. Then, after a few coaxing and patting, his owner offered his finger again.

YouTube Screenshot - The Fluffiest Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Fluffiest

The puppy, not really sure what was going on, bit on the finger again. And once more, his owner pulled his finger back and cried. The puppy was getting more worried, but fortunately, everything was okay.

His owner was just pretending to be hurt whenever he bites.

And as they continued with this simple exercise, you’ll notice that the puppy was slowly learning about his owner’s reactions and what to do with them.

YouTube Screenshot - The Fluffiest Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Fluffiest

On the third time he offered his finger, the adorable puppy bit on it again but this time, he did so very gently as if he was taking just a small nibble. He wanted to play but he also doesn’t want to hurt his human.

YouTube Screenshot - The Fluffiest Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Fluffiest

Now that the puppy is reacting to his owner’s “complaints” of pain, does this mean that the puppy understands his owner?

Actually, dogs understand our emotions.

As species that evolved together, dogs react to almost all of the same things that humans react to. In one study, they detected an increase in cortisol levels in dogs who hear a baby crying. It’s the same biological reaction for humans.

YouTube Screenshot - The Fluffiest Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Fluffiest

In another journal, they also pointed out that dogs have “affective empathy.” This can be a reason why this puppy registers “bite hand” as a bad thing or at least something he needs to correct.

Dogs also understand human emotions through facial expressions like anger, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, and disgust.

This explains why this cute puppy seems to feel sorry and worried.

So, was his little puppy training effective? You be the judge but by the end of the video, his bites became softer. He still bites though but only does so playfully. I guess he’s learning the ropes bit by bit.

Is this prank something you’d do with your dog? Aren’t they adorable with their curious and caring reactions?

Watch how this dog owner pranks his little buddy by pretending to be hurt.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – The Fluffiest, Instagram – @funnydogbailey, National Geographic
