Man rescues abandoned dog found in the middle of a busy street

Strays and abandoned dogs live close to danger.

The animals have nowhere else to go and, as such, they roam the streets and highways even if it means coming into contact with dangerous situations.

Facebook Screenshot - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez Source: Facebook Screenshot - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez

Rodrigo Gonzalez had a similar encounter when he was driving in Mexico City.

The two-minute video showed how his transit quickly chanced into a daring rescue mission. The video has since been shared and reacted to thousands of times.

Flanked by cars on both lanes, Gonzalez noticed that vehicles were narrowly avoiding something on the road.

Facebook Screenshot - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez Source: Facebook Screenshot - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez

Right in the middle of the multi-lane road, he saw a lump – like a bag or a sweater that was improperly disposed of.

He began to slow down so he could take a closer look.

At that point, a bus misses the lump by a hair.

Facebook Screenshot - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez Source: Facebook Screenshot - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez

Upon closer inspection, Gonzales realized that it was a stray dog. It was dirty. Specks of mud covered patches of its fur. It was also squinting with one eye. Besides the fact that he found the dog sprawled over the asphalt, all indicators pointed to the dog needed help.

No one knows who the dog belonged to or if it was a stray.

The only thing that Gonzalez knew is that he had to help the dog no matter what. With horns blaring behind him, he opened his car’s rear door and carefully picked the dog up.

Facebook Screenshot - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez Source: Facebook Screenshot - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez

He didn’t even care if the dog would stain his seats. The only important thing to him was getting the dog to a safer place.

He named the dog “Lucky” – and staying true to his name, Lucky managed to survive a grueling week at the veterinarian’s office. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t be able to see with his other eye and his spinal injury would make it difficult for him to walk.

Facebook Screenshot - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez Source: Facebook Screenshot - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez

Nonetheless, Gonzalez still took him under his care.

In an update video, you can see Lucky waddle out of the crate. It might be difficult for him to walk but he still managed to emerge from his crate unassisted. You can see a grateful Lucky cozy up to the person who rescued him.

Facebook - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez Source: Facebook - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez

Throughout the video, Lucky was generous with cuddles and kisses, maybe as a way for him to express his gratitude and happiness.

In a world where pets and stray animals endure neglect, it is heartwarming to see how quickly they can recover. He may not run as fast as his siblings, but Lucky still received a warm reception from Gonzalez’s other dogs.

Facebook - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez Source: Facebook - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez

People like Gonzales are rare.

But it is comforting to know that they exist nonetheless.

It may have been just another rescue story for some, but for Lucky, it was a ticket to a life that he deserved to live. Now, he lives a wonderful life surrounded by safety and love.

Gonzalez didn’t have to stop in the middle of the road that day, but we are extremely glad that he did.

Facebook - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez Source: Facebook - Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez

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Source: Facebook – Dogdrigo Dogdrigo Gonzalez, Reshareworthy, Pawsitive Club
