Man decides to adopt puppy he rescued and the dog's grateful response is adorable

Some people get too excited when they receive a puppy. Sometimes, they even buy puppies because they’re too adorable.

Then, when they get big, taking care of them becomes too much for these so-called animal lovers.

Some dogs are exploited, used in dogfighting gigs, and when they no longer serve their ‘purpose,’ they get discarded like trash.

Facebook Video Capture / Hope for Mojo Source: Facebook Video Capture / Hope for Mojo

A kind-hearted marine from Nova Scotia named Joey Wagner was a certified animal lover.

Nine years ago, he came across a very sick puppy. He looked so weak that he rushed him to the vet.

As it turned out, the Pit Bull AmStaff mix pup was suffering from extreme demodectic mange. It’s a type of parasitic skin disease that caused all his hair to fall.

Facebook Video Capture / Hope for Mojo Source: Facebook Video Capture / Hope for Mojo

They named the puppy Mojo, and the veterinarians went ahead and treated the poor helpless puppy.

Wagner’s heart was broken when he found out that Mojo was used as bait for dog fighting circles. This caused him to get sick, and when they saw that the puppy had mange, they threw him away.

Unfortunately, his case was so bad that the staff couldn’t even guarantee his survival.

YouTube Screenshot / The Dodo Source: YouTube Screenshot / The Dodo

Mojo had hope when Wagner saved him, and he fought for his life.

The shelter had to keep Mojo with them for a while. The puppy needed lots of rest, treatment, and exercise. With the help of the kind staff, Mojo started recovering.

The shelter loved little Mojo. He was such a sweetheart, and he filled each day with cuteness and happiness. So when the time came when Mojo was fit to be adopted, his friends from the shelter wanted someone worthy of this puppy’s love.

YouTube Screenshot / The Dodo Source: YouTube Screenshot / The Dodo

That’s right, they had only one person in mind – Wagner.

They called Wagner and told him about Mojo’s condition and that he was ready to find him forever home. Wagner immediately said yes!

He will go to the shelter and will bring home Mojo.

When Mojo saw Wagner, he immediately recognized him. His tail even wagged. We can hear the shelter staff talking about how sweet the reunion was and that it was the first time they saw Mojo this happy.

Little Mojo kissed Wagner many times that you would lose count. His tail showed everyone how happy he was. Of course, how sweet are those kisses that he gave Wagner?

The sweet moment was captured on cam and had gained 1.8M views.

We can hear someone say that it was a bittersweet moment. Mojo now has his forever home, but they would terribly miss the little guy.

Mojo’s fur will not be the same as before, but who cares?

He’s adorable, sweet, and has a big personality. He also knows how to pose, and he loves his photos taken.

Now, Mojo, with his dad and friends is living the best life together.

Many people hurt animals and leave them when they are no longer wanted. But more people love them and are ready to give their all to rescue and rehabilitate these dogs.

Every dog deserves a home.

Follow him at Hope for Mojo, and watch their beautiful reunion here.

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Source: The Dodo, Hope for Mojo
