Man rolls 15 water jugs into a bank to deposit 45 years’ worth of saved coins

Everything starts small. So what seems to be a small amount can make a difference if put together.

Can you imagine how much you can save if you keep all your loose coins for a year? How about if you do it for the next 45 years?

Meet Otha Anders.

Otha works as a teacher in the state of Louisiana. Apparently, he formed a habit of saving his change in water jugs.

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He started doing this years before and was able to have a large collection of coins because of it.

A penny for a prayer.

He said that he does this to remind him to stop and utter a short prayer.

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He became so fond of his practice that even when the government offered a program to convert every $100 penny to $125, the man was not enticed by it.

Instead, it took him 45 years before deciding to surrender all his coins.

Otha never takes a free penny.

Otha always “pays up” whenever someone gives him a penny. Not even his family can make him break his vow.

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Anders wanted to achieve his goal and prove to himself that his faith made it possible for him to collect all the pennies.

It’s a practice of gratitude.

While collecting all the pennies that he has, his life was touched by the act of being grateful, and he made a point to always stop for prayer whenever he sees a penny.

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At some point in his life, he noticed that a coin would pop up whenever he became soaked up with all the noise from his everyday life and forgot to be thankful.

He wanted to fill five jugs.

Anders initially challenged himself to fill up five big water jugs with all the coins that he could get.

However, after reaching his goal, he was fueled to do more.

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In the end, he filled 15.

The tellers at the bank were amazed when Otha decided to deposit all that he had saved.

He admits that if he did not push himself to go to the bank, he would probably end up with more jugs.

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Anders decided to deposit all of his coin collection when he found out that his homeowner’s insurance policy would not cover it.

He was able to put his coin collection at the Origin Bank in Ruston, Louisiana.

The teacher had been a customer at the said bank for years, which is why they gladly accepted his request.

He advised them ahead of time that his collection is massive, knowing that it could take time before they can account for all of it.

He was right. It took time.

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They happily agreed with his request because he had been a loyal customer for a long time.

It took five hours.

That’s how long the bank employees spent accounting for all of Ander’s savings.

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They even had to use an axe to break open the coin-filled jugs.

After counting everything, Otha was advised that his collection amounted to approximately thousands.

Watch how Otha was able to make such a tremendous amount of savings.

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Source: ABC News, YouTube – Kary K News
