Man searches high and low for “missing cat” – only to find it hanging on a tree

If you have or ever used to have a cat, you might have noticed that they like to climb up in high places. Couches, tables, trees or even roofs are spots where you can find your missing cat every once in a while.
But what makes cats want to climb there?

Well, according to certified cat behavior consultant and owner of Jones Animal Behavior, Katenna Jones, the fact that cats are by nature both predators to smaller animals and prey for larger ones, puts them in a weird position and accounts for much of the behavior they adopt.
“You see behaviors at both ends of the predator/prey spectrum,” Jones explains. “So, as skilled hunters, they may chase their prey up a tree without realizing what they’ve gotten themselves into. On the other side of the coin, cats tend to go high when they feel threatened.”
And why do they get stuck up there?

As Susan Bulanda, a canine and feline ethologist, author, and search and rescue trainer, explains, it is really easy for cats to climb trees since they have claws to help them do it. However, they don’t possess the skills needed to climb down and the only thing they can do is jump, whenever this is possible.
“When cats climb trees, oftentimes it’s just too high to jump down and that’s why they get stuck.”
And that’s when the cat owner or a neighbor or literally anyone who happens to be nearby, comes into play and helps the kitty back down. In the vast majority of the cases, the cats successfully get back and soon forget about their little scary adventure.

However, sometimes the little fluffballs have to learn that they shouldn’t climb trees the hard way. Like our friend Biter, who found herself stuck on a tree and had to pull an impressive stunt to come down.
A few weeks ago, Biter’s owner realized she was not at home with him. Well, this didn’t come as much of a surprise since everyone knows that cats enjoy more freedom than dogs, being free to roam the streets as their owners know they will always (or, almost always) come back.

The man couldn’t spot Biter anywhere around the house and he figured he should take a look out the window just in case she was nearby, and what he saw left him speechless.
The cat was hanging (or doing pull-ups) on a nearby tree! The man couldn’t help the urge to take a picture of her and post it on Reddit.

As he explained in a comment, the cat later fell but she was fine.
“She fell (very elegantly) right after this but don’t worry she’s completely fine!”
His post went viral with 117k views and people were concerned about the cat’s wellbeing. That’s why her owner, later on, posted another photo of them together, letting everyone know that Biter was perfectly healthy.

“Everyone meet Biter,” he wrote. “The cat who was seen doing pull ups on the tree yesterday.”
We really laughed so hard at the unconventional pull-ups of this cat! We’re glad she’s fine anyway and we’re sure she and her owner are going to have many more adventures together.
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Source: Bored Panda, Reddit, Petmd