Man sees dog locked in car on hot day and risks being arrested to rescue it

Remember asking your parents for a pet?

Some kids grow up with pets, while others have to wait until their parents think they are ready enough to have one.

Do you remember the countless lessons about being a “responsible” pet owner?

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It’s about responsibility

From a very young age, they thought us to be responsible when deciding to have a pet.

As a grownup, we should already know that when we travel with our dogs, we should never ever leave them in a hot car – even for “just a few minutes”.

If you have to step out, please leave the air conditioning on.

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Unfortunately, there have been cases where owners would return and realize that their pets were already in critical condition or have passed away due to heat.

It’s sad this keeps on happening.

In a video that went viral, a Good Samaritan broke a car door window to save a helpless dog from a hot car.

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By doing so, the Good Samaritan risked being arrested, but he couldn’t leave the dog alone.

Not for another minute.

It was a very hot day in Canada. It was about ninety degrees that day.

Even if you’re outside, you wouldn’t last a few minutes. So imagine what Mark Lewis felt when he saw a black BMW parked in direct sunlight, and inside was a dog.

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The problem was that there were no windows open, and they turned the air conditioning off.

Can you imagine what the dog felt?

He was clearly being cooked inside that car, and Mark knew that he only had a few minutes.

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Even if it was risky, and he could be arrested, he had to save the puppy.

The pup was on the passenger side, so Mark knew what he had to do. He picked up a big rock, aimed at the back window, and smashed it.

Nothing happened.

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On his second try, the rock bounced.

The window was still intact.

Mark succeeded on his third try, and along with another man, they opened the window and rescued the dog, Cotton.

There were people around and as soon as Mark got Cotton out, the bystanders gave him a round of applause.

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Everyone was worried about Cotton.

Cotton was lethargic and was sweating. Can you imagine what could have happened to him if Mark didn’t find him?

In the clip, you can also see Cotton’s tail wagging as they pulled him out of the hot car.

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After giving the poor pup some water, it rested and then came back to its old happy and playful self again.

In his Inside Edition interview, Mark Lewis left a short but meaningful message to all dog owners.

“You really have to use your best judgment and on that particular day, the owners of this dog in this car did not use their best judgment.”

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Cotton’s owner decided not to file any form of complaint against the man who rescued their dog.

However, the news report said that they are now being investigated because of animal neglect.

50 minutes

According to Today, another fifty minutes later, the owners of Cotton and the police arrived.

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Fifty minutes is a long time. Can you imagine what could have happened if Mark hadn‘t saved Cotton?

Check out Mark’s heroism as he saves Cotton in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Inside Edition, Today
