Man sees a pack of mountain lions on his porch and rushes to grab the camera

A lot of people like spending the early part of their day on the porch. It makes them feel calm and at peace. It’s also an excellent way to be closer to nature and everything it has to offer.

When Andy Davis sat on his porch to prepare for his early morning run, he spotted something unusual.

At first, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Even though he lives in Conifer, Colorado, he’s never seen big cats around his property.

Taking a closer look, he was stunned to see a big mountain lion.

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Most people would freak out after seeing wild animals on their properties. However, Andy managed to remain calm. In fact, he was able to reach for his phone and record the incident.

Right after grabbing his phone and snapping a couple of pictures, three more mountain lions appeared.

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Andy believes that the cats were solitary in the wild. For some reason, the mother decided to take her cubs out for a stroll.

The family explored the area for around 6 minutes. They didn’t do anything dangerous to Andy or his property. They simply took a tour of the area and sipped water from the fountain.

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At one point, the mother cat managed to take a peek inside Andy’s home.

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It’s scary for a lot of people. Fortunately, Andy remained calm. He avoided making any sudden and startling movements as he kept his camera recording.

After exploring Andy’s outside living space, the family eventually crossed the deck.

They went down another staircase before completely disappearing into the forest. They didn’t look back at Andy or the house.

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Andy considers himself lucky.

Throughout his stay in Colorado, he’d seen elk, deer, and bears. He’d never seen a lion until that day.

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He shared:

“I was just amazed. My whole life I’ve been waiting to see cats,” he said. “This moring, I got to see four of them at the same time. It just blew my mind… Most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.”

Andy’s video managed to get on the internet.

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There, it has been viewed more than 3 million times. It drew different reactions from YouTube users.

One viewer commented:

“Man, if I saw this in my backyard, it would be time for me to move..”

Another one said:

“This video gave me so much anxiety. When they kept looking through the window, I kept holding my breath trying not to move. 😂
Mountain lions are usually solitary, I wonder if they’re juveniles.”

A Youtube user shared his fear, saying:

“I wouldn’t be going more than a few feet from my house anymore after this. Amazing experience but terrifying to know they’re out there waiting for you.”

Andy’s a good neighbor.

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Even though he felt delighted to see the cats, he knew that his neighbors might not feel the same way. They alerted them and told them to be careful, particularly those with small kids and pets.

Watch the entire video of their encounter below!

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Source: YouTube – Storyful Rights Management; The National Wildlife Federation
