Man shaves off epic beard his mother hated as a Christmas present

Kevin Duggan had an amazing beard, but for some reason his mother hated it.

It’s surprising that while we wouldn’t want to support a woman changing her hair to make someone else happy, thousands of people have cheered Duggan on for shaving his face to please his mom. But, hey, some people are just really hard to shop for.

Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube Source: Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube

In order to allow mom to see her baby boy’s precious cheeks again, Duggan set up a video camera to record the event in 2014. Since then, it’s been viewed by over 27 MILLION people – plenty of them horrified and others newly in love with the man they say looks a little bit like Captain America without all that facial hair.

Duggan, being a perfectly big boy, made the decision all on his own to do the deed in order to surprise his mom. First, he shaved off the sides and inspected his efforts in the bathroom mirror.

Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube Source: Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube
Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube Source: Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube

We can only imagine the cleanup (and the sink backup) after that operation!

Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube Source: Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube

Next, it’s time to create the greatest mustache in history by shaving everything but the upper lip.

Duggan plays with the epic hairy handlebars for a while before taking the plunge and putting the electric razor back up to his face.

Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube Source: Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube
Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube Source: Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube

Then it’s time to lather up and go in for the smooth finish.

The transformation leaves Duggan looking much different – in fact, he had his beard so long that his mother didn’t even recognize him without it. Perhaps those daydreams of a clean-shaved son weren’t all that vivid!

Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube Source: Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube

While you’ll have to watch the video to see the clean-shaven face, you can tell by the look on mom’s that when she first walks into her kitchen she doesn’t know quite who is standing there greeting her.

“Is it you? Is it really you?” she implores.

Once Duggan tells her about his gift and the video, it brings a big smile to her face.

Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube Source: Screencap via All Dogs Go to Kevin/YouTube

Commenters were just as keen as mom to see the transformation – and as they are wont to do when someone puts themselves online, they remarked on everything from Duggan’s newfound “hotness” to his new youthful look.

“He went from looking like Gandalf to Captain America,” said one.

Ok, both fantasy, but we see the point.

“From a blood-thirsty Viking to a virgin in his mid 20s,” said another.

Of course, not everyone was down with the shave.

“This was hard to watch he [has] such a nice beard,” lamented one commenter.

And at least one person understood the sacrifice:

“that guy really loves his mother. if i had a beard like that, there was no way in hell i would part from it.”

But have no fear, Duggan is a grown man and while he gave mom her wish for a moment, he likes his beard and began growing it back immediately.

“Just fyi, the beard has been growing since I shaved it in the video,” he wrote on YouTube. “It’s bbaaaaackkk.”

Be sure to scroll down below to see the sweet Christmas gesture.

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Source: All Dogs Go to Kevin via YouTube
