Man starts stalking woman at beach and her German Shepherd steps in to save her

When you’re in a scary situation, one of the best things to have nearby is a loyal dog.

Now if you ask me, I’d say getting followed by a stranger at 4:50 AM definitely counts as a scary situation.

That’s what one U.K. woman experienced.

Pexels - Marek Piwnicki Source: Pexels - Marek Piwnicki

This is the scene that Lorraine Scott, a forty-year-old woman from the UK, ended up in. The Birkenhead resident planned to go for a very early morning walk with her dog.

She’d later find out how crucial it was that she had the dog. And what was the dog in question?

A German Shepherd.

The breed that has protectiveness and fearlessness in its genes.

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The morning should have been a peaceful walk, but Loraine met the one fear that women everywhere have in the back of their heads.

She was being followed.

Pexels - Adrien Olichon Source: Pexels - Adrien Olichon

Lorraine drove to Leasowe beach for a walk. She noticed a maroon car parked to the right as she entered.

Not very out-of-place on its own, so she continued driving and looking for a parking spot.

“I turned into the car park for the beach and I spotted this maroon car on my right hand side. I carried on driving down towards the steps to the beach because it’s easier for the dog and parked by a vacant car.”

Pexels - Adam Kontor Source: Pexels - Adam Kontor

She began unloading her things from the car when she saw a man get out and walk towards them.

He was looking around and scanning the area while he did. As if he was making sure no one would see him. Already a telltale sign that this was no stranger with good intentions.

This put Lorraine on high alert.

The man was likely observing Lorraine for a bit and thought this was his chance to do whatever he was planning to do.
Pexels - Yan Krukov Source: Pexels - Yan Krukov

All Lorraine felt was fear as she froze in place. The man got closer and closer, and she had no idea what to do.

Lorraine said it herself:

“At this point I started to get really panicky and I just froze. I couldn’t really do anything, I just froze.”

He got even closer until Lorraine’s German Shepherd started telling him to back off.

Pexels - Brett Sayles Source: Pexels - Brett Sayles

Her 3-year-old German Shepherd, Toby, went into protect mode instantly and barked nonstop.And if the guy still didn’t get the message, Toby could always give him some teeth.

It didn’t come to that, but Toby probably wouldn’t have hesitated.

“Toby started barking and going mad at him. And then straight away, the man jumped and ran straight back into his car and drove away very quickly.” – Lorraine gives a recollection of what happened

Toby very likely saved Lorraine’s life. Lorraine’s trained in kickboxing but was so frozen in fear that it didn’t mean much. Plus, if the man had a knife, things might’ve gone south.

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Lorraine went on to say that this beach was one of the last places she expected this to happen.

“I’ve been at this beach before and never had anything like this happen. And there is always people camping the night there, so never usually anything strange about people being parked up there.”

And of course, she made it a point to thank her hero and best friend.

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“If I had been on my own, this might have been a different story – luckily my German shepherd is protective of me.”

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Source: News18, UK
