Man in Ukraine refuses to leave his shelter animals as the Russians invade

The war in Ukraine is all you see on the news right now. Entire chapters can be written on the bravery of the people in Ukraine, and we’re about to write a couple of paragraphs about one person right here.

Ukraine’s animals are victims of the war just as the people.

Obviously, the lives of people are always our priority. But if you can save the animals too, why not go for it?

That’s what Andrea Cisternino is seeing to.

He’s originally from Italy but has been a Ukrainian resident for 13 years. His career was in fashion photography.

Cisternino became a resident of the country after marrying a Ukrainian woman. I don’t think he ever counted on experiencing a war all those years ago, but all he can do now is help in any way he can.

And he chose to help the ones who couldn’t seek help themselves. Those living in Ukraine that walk on all fours. Cisternino is risking his life to save the animals.

Everything from dogs, cats, horses, and pigs.

And he’s very committed to the role he’s given himself.

“I will die here for my animals… I have to think about saving a refuge and it’s 400 guests who deserve to be protected at any cost.”

He’s already seen Russian aircraft traveling over his shelter.

It’s become something of a regular occurrence now, but he’s not going to abandon any of these animals.

Cisternino’s past work as a photographer helped him get to here.

Through that line of work, he found his heart’s place in animal rescue. He kept at it and caught the attention of many people.

His work was so widely-appreciated that some people bought him his own plot of land to operate on.

Military threats aren’t far from his doorstep.

Cisternino has learned to stand strong in the face of fear, for all the abused and deserted animals who depend on him.

The man regularly updates his followers on his animals. He knows how much they want to know and how worried they can be – whether it’s for his safety or that of the animals.

Photos come regularly, whenever he can find the time.

Cisternino has shown followers his photos with the pigs, dogs, and lambs.

His Facebook page shows the imminent peril.

He shared a photo of a military jet flying nearby. Perhaps most concerning was a recent status of his, where he recounts hearing gunshots near his shelter.

“This morning the sky around the refuge was red, continuous artillery firing even through the night, can’t sleep, I saw 15 minutes ago an artillery shot falling far from the Refuge but I could smell the gunpowder” – he wrote in a Facebook post

Andrea Cisternino is braver than most.

One has to be in times like this.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Andrea Cisternino on Facebook, UK
