Young man walks 17 miles to work every day until stranger offers him a ride and changes his life

Everyone has their own idea of what it means to work hard. It might be a 9-5 office job to some, or a whole day of waiting tables and taking orders.

But some other folks have to really put in the sweat if they want food on the table, like this Oklahoma man here.

Donte Franklin works a cook at Buffalo Wild Wings, but cooking is far from the most demanding part of his job.

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The 20-year-old lost his mother when he was 16, and is doing what he can to make ends meet.

Since his mother’s passing, Donte was raised by his siblings whom he also has to help pay the bills with. He’s found a job, thankfully.

But unlike most of us, Donte can’t just commute or drive. He has to walk.

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We don’t know the full extent of Donte’s financial situation, but it’s clear that fuel prices and taxi fares are a factor he considers. Hey, shouldn’t a cook be paid more?

And it’s a long walk. Almost 8 miles to get there, and 8 miles to get back.

But distance doesn’t matter when you’ve got a family to help feed. Donte says he just wants to make his family proud. Plus, I guess it makes for good exercise.

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In order to make it work, he has to leave 3 hours before work starts since it takes him 2 and a half hours to walk there.

It goes without saying that Donte’s “hussle” is on another level.

They say good things come to those who wait, and this happened when a driver noticed the young man walking to work.

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Along drove Michael Flynn, who noticed Donte walking in the hot Oklahoma sun.

He offered the young Donte a ride, and Donte was happy to accept. One conversation in the car later and Michael learned of Donte’s remarkable daily walks to work.

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“One thing led to another, and I’m finding out he’s walking to work… I just couldn’t believe it.” – said Michael

Offering a ride is nice and all, but now Michael wanted to do more for him.

After learning what a remarkably dedicated and hardworking man Donte was, it was only natural.

As with most stories like this, a fundraiser was inevitable. That’s the preferred solution for many people who want to come together to help someone.

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The goal was to get Donte money for a car, and that goal was reached and exceeded.

Before long, the GofundMe had $50,000 in donations.

More than enough for a car and enough to make a difference in the lives of Donte’s family. Once more, the kindness of strangers is a very powerful thing that can make the impossible possible.

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Donte’s commitment to the grind is phenomenal, and so is the charity he received in return.

A local biker community even organized to get him his own bike as well.

He’s become quite the local celebrity now. But he’s still a humble working young man, working as a cook and studying to be a a welder.

Donte says he just needs to study a bit more to become a welder and help his family.

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Now that’s the kind of spirit that makes stories like his worth telling.

Give Donte’s story a watch for yourself below. It’s worth showing other people too, so please share this article as well!

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Source: KOCO 5 News on YouTube, PEOPLE, Insider
