Famous boxer Manny Pacquiao uses his own money to build 1,000 homes for the less fortunate

Many people have heard of Manny Pacquiao. It’s hard not to know the name. He’s one of the most celebrated boxers in the world.

Facebook/Manny Pacquiao Source: Facebook/Manny Pacquiao

Pacquiao has achieved many feats and not only in boxing. Sure, he’s won 12 major world titles and is the only eight-division world champion, ever, in the history of boxing. But he’s also worked as a politician to give back to his beloved Philippines.

In between being a recording artist, an actor, and a professional basketball player, he always makes time for his country and its people. But it isn’t difficult to see why. Pacquiao sees himself in every person struggling there.

It’s not because he has a vivid imagination but because he used to be just like them.

Facebook/Manny Pacquiao Source: Facebook/Manny Pacquiao

He was poor and lived on the streets for a time. During a promotional appearance for a Chinese sportswear company, he spoke about what it was like growing up in a poverty-stricken area.

“Many of you know me as a legendary boxer, and I’m proud of that. However, that journey was not always easy. When I was younger, I became a fighter because I had to survive. I had nothing. I had no one to depend on except myself. I realized that boxing was something I was good at, and I trained hard so that I could keep myself and my family alive.”

For Pacquiao boxing was more than just a sport – it was survival.

Because of this, he has made great strides to change both the perception of his country as well as the people. To do that, he’s starting from the ground up.

The National Source: The National

In 2007, Pacquiao began his political career. He’s held two terms as a Congressman and one as a Senator. But before he began working in these positions, he was already working to uplift his community. And as we all know, one of the easiest and quickest ways to do so is by putting money into it. That is, if you have it.

The National Source: The National

And he did. Lots of it. In fact, he earned about $150 for his fight against Floyd Mayweather in 2015. Whenever he came home, which he always made a point to, he handed out as much as 1000 pesos per resident. They would line up waiting to be given money and food.

Twitter/@MannyPacquiao Source: Twitter/@MannyPacquiao

His promoter, Bob Arum, shared what he’s witnessed over the years.

“He sits in front of his house giving money away to people; they go for blocks. He believes that’s part of the higher purpose because once he gives it away, he believes God will replenish it.”

The National Source: The National

But one of the more surprising things he has done consisted of doing something quite rare; he built 1000 homes!

The best part? There’s no catch. The houses are completely paid off and taxpayers don’t have to pay a dime. The money came entirely out of Pacquiao’s pockets. Because of his generosity, thousands of residents have a safe and clean place to call home.

The houses were built in Sarangani Province solely to help out the homeless and the less fortunate.

The National Source: The National

Pacquiao dropped out of school at the age of 14 and moved out of his mother’s house. These weren’t things he wanted to do but things he had to do to survive and to provide for his family.

Now, he is able to do what he wants while being able to take care of those around him.

“In boxing the fight is in the ring is for the enjoyment of the fans. In the Senate, the fight is for improving the quality of life of the Philippine citizens. Being a senator is inspiring work.”

You’re doing great work, Pacquiao!

Facebook/Manny Pacquiao Source: Facebook/Manny Pacquiao

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Sources: USA Today, Shareably
