Marine mama bursts through door and her Golden Retriever fur baby goes wild

For people like Nancy, leaving her dog for long periods of time is an unfortunate necessity.

She’s a marine, and often is deployed far, far away from her dog Oshie, who loves her very much.


Unfortunately, Nancy has no way of letting Oshie know how long she’ll be gone for. All he knows is that she’s there one moment and gone the next.

Sometimes she’s gone for a long time.

YouTube - Oshies World Source: YouTube - Oshies World

Nancy was deployed to Norway

She had been gone for some time. Imagine what our dogs go through when we are gone for long periods of time. They might wonder if we are ever coming back at all.

Will they ever get to see and smell us again? They have no way of knowing if we are coming home at all.

That anxiety can be tough but the excitement that occurs when we finally do come home can be simply overwhelming.

That’s exactly what Oshie experienced when Nancy finally returned from Norway.


“Oshie has been missing his mom. She finally came back from Norway last night and he was super excited to see her!” reads a description of the video.

YouTube - Oshies World Source: YouTube - Oshies World

Oshie can’t contain himself when Nancy finally comes home.

Excited dogs are very fun to watch.

They bounce around, jump all over people, and generally get their whole body into their reaction. Oshie can’t help himself when Nancy finally comes home.

He gets his nose right up close to her, he runs around her, and does everything he can to be as close as possible to his marine momma who had finally come back to him.

Nancy is excited as well, she clearly loves Oshie very much. The feeling is obviously mutual.

YouTube - Oshies World Source: YouTube - Oshies World

How dogs experience emotions.

Dogs experience emotions in about the same way as 2-year-old humans do. Their brain structures in terms of how they produce emotions are very similar to a human’s in many ways.

YouTube - Oshies World Source: YouTube - Oshies World

This quote from Stanley Coren in Psychology Today helps sum up just how our canine friends experience emotions.

“In recent times, science has progressed a long way [
] and we now understand that dogs have all of the same brain structures that produce emotions in humans. Dogs also have the same hormones and undergo the same chemical changes that humans do during emotional states. [
] With the same neurology and chemistry that people have, it seems reasonable to suggest that dogs also have emotions that are similar to ours.”


Oshie and Nancy’s reunion goes viral.

There is something so loveable about this video that it has gone viral online. As of this writing, it has been viewed just under 7 million times.

People can’t get enough of their heart-warming reunion. Many have left a comment about Nancy and Oshie as well.

YouTube - Oshies World Source: YouTube - Oshies World

“Omg this is making me cry! So so so sweet! He loves his mama!!” wrote one viewer.

“Omgggg this is so so adorable and amazing wow i love this retriever i made me cry little but the love towards his mom wow i love it!!!!” wrote another.

“oh man, these just make me cry, first, thank you “mom” for your service, it is appreciated, second I LOVE THE REUNION,, OMG, SO EXCITED !!!”

Watch the video of Nancy and Oshie being reunited below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Oshies World/Oshie’s World – Instagram/Psychology Today
