Marine reunites with former K9 partner after a separation of two years
“Absence truly makes the hound go fonder.”
These are the words stated by Mike Lowe from CBS 42. It’s a fitting description of the bond shared by a former marine and a military dog when they were reunited last 2019 after not seeing each other for nearly two years. The joyful reunion was witnessed by many onlookers and inspired others to adopt their military canine partners.
You see, dogs have a special bond with humans.
It’s a bond that is forged by years of companionship and care. Based on Bayer, a life science company, the bond shared by humans and dogs started 15,000 years ago as a working relationship. Dogs helped humans hunt and gather food while also offering them protection from wild animals in the woods.
This working relationship grew into a partnership where dogs become a part of the human’s family.
You can actually see this working relationship in today’s time where dogs help people in the marine or police department.
The United States Army Medical Department Journal (AMDJ) also mentions sentry dogs during wartime. Clearly, dogs’ and humans’ relationship dates back for thousand of years. Aside from serving as a military partner, dogs help in alleviating sickness.
Based on the research conducted by Bayer, humans who have pet dogs have a low chance of contracting heart disease.
Dogs help in boosting their mood and offering them companionship. In return, humans provide dogs with their basic needs such as food, water, and shelter. Through this companionship, dogs and humans are able to create a bond that can last for years.
This is exactly what happened to a former marine and military German Shepherd.
Sgt. Jacob Varela was a former U.S. Marine Corps. officer. During his time with the marines, he was assigned to work with a German Shepherd called U.S. Marine canine Atilla r7-89.
This sweet but brave German Shepherd was a trained tracker and a loyal friend to Sgt. Varela.
He shared with CBS the bond they created in the three years they worked together:
“I got stuck with him in 2014, I brought him from Lackland, he was a combat tracker. And we were together for 3 years. I got out and haven’t seen him since.” Sgt. Varela stated.
It was truly a sad moment for the German Shepherd when Sgt. Varela left the marines to pursue his college degree.
“We were together for everything. Everywhere I went, he was with me. When we were out in the field, out there for a month, month and a half, whatever, I mean, he was with me. If I was drinking water, he was drinking water, if I was eating, he was eating. He becomes like your teammate.” Sgt. Varela continued.
They were able to create a bond that no other dog can match.
“These dogs serve with these guys, they spend 24/7 training with them, putting their lives on the line together, so there’s a bond that we can’t understand.” Kristen Maurer said.
For nearly two years they were unable to see each other until Sgt. Varela found out that Atilla is retiring.
Overjoyed, he made plans on adopting the loyal German shepherd.
In 2019, Atilla and Sgt. Varela were reunited.
The barks and joy coming from Atilla were proof that he missed his human companion and he was overjoyed of finally spending the rest of his days with him.
“The way he reacted, the way he jumped, he knows who I am, so that’s good.” Sgt. Varela said when he was reunited with Atilla.
Varela and Atilla may no longer be actively serving the country, but they were able to inspire so many dog lovers in the world. Their bond was a testament that humans and dogs share a strong bond that even time can not change.
Watch the heartwarming reunion of the pair below.
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Source: Michigan University, CBS42, YouTube