Massive dog convinced he’s a lapdog — staunchly insists on climbing in mom’s lap

Some breeds of dogs can get really big. Some of the more common big-dog types include Great Danes, English mastiffs, and Newfoundlands.

A dog in California is making waves online after his owner posted a video of him trying climbing up on her lap. And while he didn’t make it the entire way, it makes you wonder if he could have really fit!

Boss is a ‘big’ part of the family

YouTube/raisingFISHERmen Source: YouTube/raisingFISHERmen

At first, it looks like a large black bear is approaching Bee Fisher, a mother of three. But after taking a second glance, viewers can see that it is a massive Newfoundland. Named Boss, the dog is a common subject talked about on Fisher’s blog.

There she talks about her family, especially her family’s two Newfoundlands, the aforementioned Boss and his brother, Ralphie.

Boss has become quite the celebrity online

YouTube/raisingFISHERmen Source: YouTube/raisingFISHERmen

According to Fisher, Boss weighed in at 140 pounds at only 10 months old, so you can only imagine what he weighs now. But despite his size, he still thinks of himself as a lapdog. She shared the video of him climbing up on her lap on her YouTube channel, where it has gained in popularity and has been seen millions of times through various media outlets.

Instagram/ralphie_the_newf_and_the_boss Source: Instagram/ralphie_the_newf_and_the_boss

“This Newfoundland dog named Boss is such a loving dog! He loves to give lots of hugs and kisses to his family, but I don’t think he realizes how big he actually is,” Fisher said on the original video.

In addition to Boss and Ralphie, Fisher also somehow manages to take care of her three sons. At least her sons don’t drool like the two Newfoundland brothers do.

According to the American Kennel Club, Newfoundland male dogs can grow to weigh 150 pounds and are 28 inches tall at the shoulder. That’s a big dog. Add to that the large amount of fur that the breed has and that is a lot of dog to handle. Luckily, Boss is a gentle giant.

The video of Boss is not the family’s only claim to Internet fame

Instagram/ralphie_the_newf_and_the_boss Source: Instagram/ralphie_the_newf_and_the_boss

Despite his large size, Boss wouldn’t hurt a feather, according to Fisher. To make the whole family even more special, all seven of them, including the dogs, took a trip around the U.S., visiting all 50 states crammed in a 34-foot RV. Talk about your cramped quarters!

Life in California

Instagram/ralphie_the_newf_and_the_boss Source: Instagram/ralphie_the_newf_and_the_boss

Now Fisher, along with Boss and Ralphie her husband, Josh, and her three boys, Lenox, Cruz, and Tegan, live in a home in California. There the family lives in much bigger surroundings, these more suited toward such massive pups.

After returning to California from their trip around the U.S., the family added another dog to the family, this one a lapdog in the truest sense. Named Gidget, the small female dog, at 11 pounds, is a fraction of the size of her two brothers. But, according to Fisher, Gidget is still the one in charge among the three.

You can check out the family’s cross-country adventure on Fisher’s blog, raisingFISHERmen. To find out more about Ralphie and Boss’ adventures, visit the pair’s Instagram or Fisher’s YouTube channel. For more of Boss’ lapdog ways, you can watch the video of him and Fisher below.

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Source: raisingFISHERmen

H/T: Animal Channel, raisingFISHERmen, AKC
