Using just their bodies six men become hypnotic drumline

Body percussion is an ancient way of producing music using the human body.

In simpler terms, it turns bodies into musical instruments.

It can be performed solo or with a group. Body percussion is also a subset of “body music.”

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Inherent to many cultures, from the German “Schuhplattler“, to the Samoan “Fa’ataupati“, there are plenty of ways to perform body percussion.

These styles are developed by people all over the world, thus making it more diverse compared to before.

Some use stomping, patting, clapping, snapping fingers, foot-tapping, and slapping.

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Even modern tap dance can be seen as a derivative of traditional styles of body percussion- from Africa, Ireland, and The Netherlands.

A popular song even said that “the body is a wonderland.” True enough, because there are tons of ways wherein we can make our body into an instrument.

A video shows a group of men who specialize in body percussion.

They are the Costa Rican group Tarambé.

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They started strong (literally) by clapping their hands and stomping their feet hard to create an intimidating loud beat.

Then they added their legs to create more complex rhythms.

They make such an inviting beat that, at some point, will make you nod your head along with their music.

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Mixed with the high-quality music they made was their equally-mesmerizing dance choreography.

These guys nailed both the music and the dance, they are pleasant to the ears and to the eyes.

They wrote in the video’s description (using Google translate):

“We are Tarambe a group of Costa Rican musicians with the mission of promoting music and movement through body percussion, we hope to be able to share our art in many places.”

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We can’t tell if these men are more musicians or dancers.

We can only imagine the tremendous amount of time that they dedicated in order to perfect such an amazing performance.

It surely takes more than talent to be this good- you also need to be passionate about the craft. Hard work really pays-off!

There’s a huge difference between body percussion and dance alone.

A normal dance routine usually revolves around being in-sync with the music (whether it’s a solo dance, duo, or a group), whereas, in body percussion, every single movement counts- because it’s “body music” after all.

A member going off by even just a fraction of a second could possibly put the entire act on the line.

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But look at these fellas, it’s like they have some kind of telepathy.

These members of the Tarambé executed their routine as one. They performed with so much precision and perfect timing, not even a single member missed a beat.

It’s beyond mesmerizing to watch them dance and listen to their energetic music.

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These guys don’t want to be ordinary.

This highly-skilled group of men didn’t settle for less, they re-invented.

They slapped their legs, smacked their torsos, and even slapped their arms together or clapped the back of their hands for a more entertaining variation of sounds.

Oh, and yes! They didn’t forget their dance routine!

Their creative body music was even topped with their intuitive dance moves.

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It’s not your average dancing- with the usual sequence from an ordinary dance number.

Instead, they made their body movements sound like their music!

How is that possible? They made variations of body formations, transitions, and hand gestures that were visually stunning!

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Their body percussion was something like a piece of intense music from a movie.

Their awesome performance can push anyone to the edge of their seat!

Experience the intensity for yourself in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: SEE IT LIVE, Tarambé Percusión Corporal
