Michael Bublé’s impression of Elvis is seriously spot-on – but he also does others too

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

Elvis Presley must be the most impersonated celebrity in all of history. And possibly the best impersonator is the superstar Michael Bublé.

Some people know Elvis Presley more through impersonations than from his music or movie roles. That’s quite something for someone who is the highest selling solo musician of all time.

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Michael Bublé is the current generation’s Elvis in more ways than one.

Not only is Michael Bublé a singing sensation around the world, but he also does a spot-on impression of Elvis Presley.

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The impression came to light during an interview between Bublé and Dan Rather. Rather said that he had heard that Bublé was a good mimic and asked him to perform some of those impressions.

Bublé began his impression by describing how Elvis spoke, adopting the voice as he explained it:

“Elvis would get real deep, and he would do ‘Wise men say only fools rush in.'”

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Bublé’s voice was just like Elvis Presley’s in that moment. It was a shame that he ended it to explain it some more:

“He had a quick vibrato.”

Rather then told Bublé that he could have made a living doing celebrity impressions.

Bublé revealed that there have been times in his life when he felt like he had been doing that. After all, everyone has their inspirations, and the line between impersonation and homage is razor-thin.

Then Rather asked if he and Bublé could perform a duet together in the style of Johnny Cash.

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Immediately, Bublé started a rendition of Ring of Fire, singing with Cash’s country drawl. Rather also joined in but struggled to match Buble’s voice.

At other points in the interview, Bublé impersonated more musicians.

Another fantastic impersonation was Frank Sinatra, with Bublé noting that the musician sang “hard on his vowels. All the e’s o’s ou’s.” Then Bublé sang You Make Me Feel So Young, once more not in his voice but with that of a long-dead musician.

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Bublé also showed off his Dean Martin impression and highlighted how Martin was similar to Elvis:

“He would drop his epiglottis and it would seem so easy. The way that he was taught to […] And by the way, I thought Elvis Presley, he had a very similar sound style to Dino.”

Also, Bublé explained why he became such a good impersonator.

He said that by learning and finding the voices of the people that he loves, he was able to take aspects of their singing into his own vocal style.

This footage then made its way onto YouTube, where it soon went viral.

To date, it has managed to receive over 2 million views. It also has over 18,000 likes and 900 comments. People have been saying things like this:

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It just shows how the music of yesteryear has inspired the current generation.

All art and all society is linked to what has come before it. And this is nothing new. Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Johnny Cash were all in turn inspired by and adapted the styles of musicians who came before them. And right now, there are young people who are listening to Michael Bublé and mimicking his singing voice. Just think, they probably have no idea that they’re mimicking someone who is mimicking others, who in turn mimicked others.

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Source: AXS TV
