Minnesota trooper pulls over a speeding doctor but gives her medical masks instead of a ticket

If there’s one thing we’re learning during the COVID-19 crisis, it’s that we should all truly appreciate and admire the incredible work being done by workers throughout the healthcare world.

From the doctors and nurses to the researchers, administrative staff, cleaners, and anyone else going into hospitals and clinics each day to do their job and help save lives, these people are the true heroes of our world.

These healthcare workers are under a tremendous amount of pressure, and when one of them made a mistake behind the wheel of her car, she was amazed at how the trooper who pulled her over decided to deal with it!

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This is Dr. Sarosh Ashraf Janjua, a cardiologist working at a coronavirus quarantine unit in Duluth, Minnesota. On March 21, Dr. Janjua was driving home after a long and tiring shift at the hospital.

She said she was “preoccupied” at the time, lost in her thoughts and worrying that she might have contracted the virus, so she didn’t even notice that she was breaking the speed limit until she saw the flashing lights of a state trooper car in her rear-view mirror.

She pulled over, prepared to face the music and own up to her mistake.

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Dr. Janjua was expecting to get a ticket, but what happened next left her in tears.

The trooper, Brian Schwartz, asked what kind of work Dr. Janjua did, and she explained that she was a cardiologist treating COVID-19 patients. After hearing about her heroic efforts, the trooper decided to let the doctor go with just a warning on that occasion.

Not only that, but he also handed over five N95 face masks from his very own supply.

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Dr. Janjua simply couldn’t believe the trooper’s kindness. She later went on Facebook to share the story with her friends and followers, where it later went viral and came to the attention of various news crews.

Here’s a part of what Dr. Janjua wrote in her original Facebook post:

I burst into tears. And though it may just have been the cold wind, I think he teared up a little as well, before wishing me well and walking away. This complete stranger, who owed me nothing and is more on the front lines than I am, shared his precious masks with me, without my even asking

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The Minnesota State Patrol also heard about what had happened and released a statement on the event, stating that their noble trooper had noticed some used N95 masks in the doctor’s purse and felt compelled to give her some fresh ones.

These masks are in short supply and many doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are worried about contracting the virus due to a lack of proper protective equipment, so the N95 masks really made a difference to Dr. Janjua and could even save her from getting the virus.

Trooper Schwartz deserves a lot of respect for such an inspiring act of kindness, proving that even in a time of crisis and darkness, the goodness in people is still shining bright.

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Source: Inside Edition
