Mischievous pup steals owner’s dentures and wins the internet with her new smile

Sometimes, four-footers can definitely be a bit mischievous, but since they’re so cute we tend to forgive them quite quickly. Maggie, an adorable Shih-Tzu, has definitely proven that she’s full of sass and personality with her newest act of mischief.

The cute pooch stole her owner’s dentures, and it resulted in an amazing and hilarious picture that won the hearts of the entire internet.

@eunified (Twitter) Source: @eunified (Twitter)

Maggie absolutely loves spending time with her human family in their Long Island home. She has a special bond with her big sister Eunice, as the two are best of friends and always want to spend time with each other.

“She is the cutest! She has quite a personality,” Eunice said to The Dodo. “She loves to cuddle but is also a yapper at times. She’s very mischievous!”

There’s definitely a bit of a sneaky side to Maggie, but her owners always smile when they see their pup doing something she’s not supposed to do in a hilarious way.

@eunified (Twitter) Source: @eunified (Twitter)

One day, dad was napping on the couch during the afternoon. The man wears dentures and took them out before sleeping, as they were quite uncomfortable that day.

He put them right in glass in the living area. He figured the dentures would be safe there, but he didn’t exactly take Maggie into account.

@eunified (Twitter) Source: @eunified (Twitter)

When dad woke up from his afternoon nap, he was completely shocked to see an empty glass!

“He thought maybe he had left them in the bathroom,” Eunice recalls. “When they weren’t there, he went searching downstairs and found Maggie under my living room table.”

@eunified (Twitter) Source: @eunified (Twitter)

Dad then looked towards Maggie, who looked up towards him and gave him a big smile. What he saw next explained everything – and the smile on the pup’s face, well, let’s just say it was worth more than a thousand words.

@eunified (Twitter) Source: @eunified (Twitter)

“He sent me a picture and explained what had happened and I was in literal tears,” Eunice told.

After a little bit of struggle, Maggie finally gave back the dentures to dad.

He washed then very thoroughly and will definitely make sure to keep them somewhere safe and out of reach for all of his future afternoon naps.

Of course, Eunice wanted to share this absolutely hilarious story with the rest of the world and posted a couple of pictures of Maggie with her new smile on Twitter.

She certainly didn’t expect the post to go viral, but it did and it was retweeted more than 20,000 times!

“You guyssss! A few months ago my dog, Maggie, stole my dads dentures while he was napping (his gums had been hurting him so he took them out mid-afternoon) and he found her like this. Lmfaooo im deadddd rn remembering this” she posted on her Twitter-account.

The internet absolutely adored the whole thing and there were dozens of comments, with some people even turning Maggie into a meme. Another user even posted a photo of their pup who did the exact same thing once!

@eunified (Twitter) Source: @eunified (Twitter)

Maggie’s mischievous adventures have definitely grasped the attention of the internet, and Eunice now gives updates on Maggie on her own Instagram-page.

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Source: magstermoomoo (Instagram), The Dodo
