Missing family dog gets found more than sixty miles away living as a stray

The bond between a pet and their owners is usually a very strong and affectionate one, and that was certainly the case with the four-footer Leo and his family. However, sometimes things can still go wrong.

One day, Leo ran away from home.

Sertaç Araç Source: Sertaç Araç

It’s not really clear why the pup decided to leave, as some pups can also do this out of boredom or because they get scared of something, run away and then get lost.

Leo’s owners looked for him as best as they could – but the poor puppy was still missing even months later. Despite all of their efforts, it looked like any hope of finding him was shrinking by the day, and eventually, there wasn’t much hope left anymore at all.

Sertaç Araç Source: Sertaç Araç

However, the son of Leo’s owners thought he spotted him – more than sixty miles further.

The pup is originally owned by Sertaç Araç’s dad, he himself didn’t really interact with the pup much. The man needed to be in a neighboring area rather coincidentally for work purposes, and he thought he suddenly saw someone who he’d never thought to see again: Leo.

Nonetheless, Sertaç wasn’t really sure if it was Leo at first. After all, it’s been a while since they’ve last seen him and the pup didn’t exactly look good or happy, but rather malnourished and depressed. He couldn’t be sure.

He also figured that the sixty-mile distance was far too great for the pup to actually be Leo. As such, he simply ignored his presumption that it was him.

Sertaç Araç Source: Sertaç Araç

However, he was wrong.

Just to make sure and because he couldn’t shake the feeling that he actually found the missing family pup, Sertaç took a picture and sent it to mom and dad. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing and immediately got into their car to go see the pup themselves. If there was even a slight chance that it would be him, this family would do whatever it takes to get there.

When they saw the pup, there wasn’t a single doubt in their mind: they finally found Leo after all this time.

As for Leo, he immediately recognized his owners as well! From the very second he laid eyes on mom and dad, he ran towards them and jumped in their arms. It’s absolutely clear that Leo missed both of them dearly, just take a look at the energetic kisses and his wagging tail. Pure excitement and surprise.

Sertaç Araç Source: Sertaç Araç

The reunion was absolutely heartwarming, and Leo was finally able to return home.

However, the story doesn’t end here, as the family later revealed that Leo wasn’t the only one that ran away.

In fact, two of their other dogs also disappeared around the same time as Leo. This can hardly be a coincidence, and the family now thinks that they’ve been the victim of a dog-napper. With Leo home, two other pups are still missing. However, finding him has rekindled hope in locating the other two dogs again.

“We’re so happy Leo is home. I will look carefully everywhere I visit in hopes we find [the other two dogs].” Leo’s family said.

Right now, Leo is back at his warm and loving home and off the streets. No longer does he have to worry about food, shelter or getting some well-deserved love and attention. Just like it should be.

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Source: ISSIZLER, The Dodo
