Missing pet dog lets family know she's home by ringing doorbell in the middle of the night

We’ve seen lots of interesting things pop up on doorbell Ring cams recently.

But a missing dog announcing her return at 3 AM by ringing the door like a naughty teenager who forgot her keys – and is also way past her curfew? Now that’s a new one!

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The South Carolina’s doggy parents were worried sick after their lab-Catahoula Leopard Dog mix escaped from their backyard.

A neighbor had set off some Fourth of July fireworks a bit early, and it spooked the pooch enough to make her take off.

Normally, Rajah is a good girl. So when she took off for parts unknown, her fur sibling, Ollie, probably didn’t think much of it.

He just sat there and watched her sprint into the wind like Usain Bolt…and didn’t tell a soul.

And just like Usain Bolt, Rajah is a very fast runner! She was so quick that Mary Lynn Whitacre and her husband, Ryan Washick, couldn’t chase after her.

In desperation, Mary hopped on Facebook and posted about her missing dog. She asked friends, neighbors, and everyone else to be on the lookout for her puppy.

“Ryan and I were freaking out, and we felt really helpless,” Mary said.

The couple drove around Greenville for hours, hoping to find their dog, who was microchipped and had their phone number on her collar.

When that didn’t pan out, Ryan continued to search for her on foot, adding, “I kept hoping I wouldn’t find her on the side of the road.”

This isn’t the first time Rajah has made a great escape. Mary Lynn told People that she’s gotten loose a couple of times before, but they were able to catch up to her and bring her back.

This time was a little bit more harrowing, though.

When Rajah didn’t come home right away, it almost seemed like she was gone for good.

As frightening as it was for Mary Lynn and Ryan, this story actually has a hilarious ending!

“My husband came home, and I was driving around looking for her. We were ready to call all the shelters, and she just showed up and rang the doorbell.”

At 3 in the morning!

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Usually, when someone rings the door at that hour, it’s either the police bringing you some bad news or it’s a robber trying to scam you with their “my car broke down” sob story.

But this time it was just their ornery pup, ringing the doorbell and then jumping up to face the camera so they could see who it was.

“I don’t even know how she knew how to do that. I’ve never shown her how,” Lynn said. “She doesn’t go out in the front yard except to the car, so she’s never seen us use the doorbell.”

As for where Rajah’s been all this time? Well, no one knows for sure, but she was probably seeing the sights and hanging out with Ferris Bueller on their day off.

“She had thorns on her and seemed to have rolled in poop,” Mary Lynn said. “So, it seems like she had a great time.”

Watch the video below to see this clever puppy announce her own homecoming.

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Source: Inside Edition, boopbeepboopbop999 via Reddit, People
