Mom brags about son bullying an autistic kid over coffee with other moms – unaware one mom has autistic son

It’s true that no child is immune to bullying. Even children with physical, mental, emotional, and sensory disabilities experience it. And the worst part is that they are the most frequent targets.

There are many reasons why kids bully other kids.

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Some kids do it because they lack attention from parents at home. Other kids lash at other kids because they want the attention or they want to feel empowered. And there are kids who bully others because they are encouraged to do so.

A few moms decided to have coffee and talk about their kids.

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It was supposed to be a relaxing and stress-free thing. After all, it’s not every day that moms get to be with their friends.

Their meeting started off well. They talked about the drama little girls experience at school. They also shared stories about their little boys’ personalities.

Then, the conversation went to the “darndest” things kids say.

Initially, it was fun. They were actually having a good laugh because some of the stories were really hilarious.

Then, one woman blurted out something that left everyone speechless.

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She said:

“My son makes fun of the autistic boy in his class and it’s hilarious.”

Everyone went silent.

All the ladies stopped giggling and they all turned towards the woman. It was probably disbelief or annoyance that made them react that way. After all, how can anyone say such a thing?

What the woman said wasn’t the most annoying part.

It’s actually the way she said it. She delivered that line without fear or guilt.

She continued:

“My son has the whole act down. He covers his ears and repeats words and even does a hand twitch. He has the flap down perfectly.”

Unfortunately, there’s one mom in the group who actually has a son diagnosed with autism.

Community Today Source: Community Today

Her stomached dropped. She tried her best to hold herself together. In her mind, her greatest fear of her son being bullied for his condition was happening.

Community Today Source: Community Today

It was a relief that none of the other ladies considered what the woman said to be funny. They probably knew about her and her child.

They continued to stare at the woman.

At that point, the woman felt uncomfortable. However, what she said after made things worse.

“Oh, he doesn’t do it in front of him. Just at home for us. He’ll put on quite the show in our living room. The boy doesn’t even know he teases him,”- the woman said.

The women were horrified to hear her say that. She delivered those words as if they were supposed to make things better- but it didn’t. After that, she excused herself and went out of the shop.

At that moment, the mom with a special needs child realized a lot of things.

She realized that kids aren’t the only ones who can bully other kids. Even grown-up women can do that horrifying behavior to children and other people. And the scariest part is that they can sometimes encourage kids to do the same. Children will have no problems imitating the behavior because ideally, grown-ups are role models for them.

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“I knew bullying happened. I just didn’t know it could happen in a families living room. Or be encouraged. Or even bragged about,”- the woman shared.

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Source: Community Today, Shareably
