Mom's heart breaks into pieces when daughter asks why daddy isn’t wearing his ‘superhero mask’

The medical professionals – what would we do without them?

The real superheroes who have been risking their lives for each one of us.

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As you know, our current situation is challenging. We suffer in different ways and this pandemic brings us anxieties and endless worries. No one is exempted.

But these people on the front line battling this worldwide catastrophe are the most affected.

They witness firsthand how COVID-19 takes away the lives of many, their health is always at risks and the most heartbreaking part is – they have to endure the pain of not being with their family and loved ones so they don’t bring the virus to them.

This is what exactly daddy Ian has to go through as he works as a doctor.

Facebook/Mary Katherine Backstrom Source: Facebook/Mary Katherine Backstrom

He is just relying on technology so he can talk to his two children. His wife, Mary Katherine “MK” Backstrom, recently shared a heart-rending conversation he had with the kids during their Facetime call.

“Goodnight, Daddy!”
“I love you, Daddy!”
“I love you, too, Baby Girl!”
“Don’t get coronavirus, Daddy!”

Then Ian made a pause and replied,

“I love you, sweetie!”

After that unforgettable call, their son Benjamin quickly got to sleep.

Facebook/Mary Katherine Backstrom Source: Facebook/Mary Katherine Backstrom

However, Mary Katherine noticed her daughter’s bewildered look. So she felt the need to ask her about it. The worried mom also mentioned that their little girl was having a harder time adjusting to her daddy being gone to serve as a doctor. So she thought that a video call would make her feel better but it didn’t.

“Benjamin went down quickly last night, but our daughter has been struggling a little more, recently. I was hoping a call with Daddy would help a little. It didn’t. Getting off the phone, I could tell Holland was still unsettled. I frowned,” Mary wrote.

So she asked her,

“Holland, what is it?”

Facebook/Mary Katherine Backstrom Source: Facebook/Mary Katherine Backstrom

Then the bothered kid Holland asked a heartbreaking question to mommy Mary, which extremely affected her.

Facebook/Mary Katherine Backstrom Source: Facebook/Mary Katherine Backstrom

“Why wasn’t Daddy wearing his superhero mask?”

The face mask – a covering which she knows that will protect her father.

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Holland got so worried that her dad wasn’t wearing his weapon in the war that is also the reason why she can’t be with him temporarily.

Mary Katherine saw that her husband moved his mask below his chin for a few seconds to happily say goodbye to their children and flash a smile to Holland.

Mary also explained how Holland seems to be affected by their current situation even before the moving Facetime call that she had with her father.

“You see, Holland’s been needing a LOT of reassurance these days. We have had our fair share of anxiety tummy aches. There has been a lot of crying over weird things, when we all know the “weird thing” isn’t what she’s crying about at all. She’s been wanting to be held, carried, and coddled. And I just keep doing everything I can to meet those needs. Sometimes it’s exhausting, because frankly—I am stressed, too.”

Mama Mary Katherine chose comforting words to answer her child’s question.

She said to her,

“you don’t need to worry about your Daddy.”

She whispered to her and reminded her that her dad is a superhero.

“He’s a super hero. You know that.”

But Holland’s next response breaks her heart more.

Facebook/Mary Katherine Backstrom Source: Facebook/Mary Katherine Backstrom

She detailedly explained how her precious kid reacted to what she said.

“And do you know what she said to me? She looked at me with tears in her big brown eyes, and said: ‘But even super heroes have to wear their masks.’ Oof. My heart just broke.”

It is indeed hard for all of us to grasp the situation that we are in right now. But it is more difficult for the young ones whose minds and hearts are not yet ready to deal with this kind of adversity.

So we adults need to stay strong amidst all of these so we will always be capable of encouraging them to hold on no matter what.

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Source: Facebook/Mary Katherine Backstrom
