Mom is furious after mother-in-law shaves baby's head behind her back

It’s a bit of a cliché that almost nobody gets along with their mother-in-law, but that definitely seems to be the case here.

Mom Alexandra from the UK returned home one day, but when she saw her little baby girl, she was absolutely livid.

She found out that her boyfriend and mother-in-law shaved the baby’s head without her permission!

Kidspot Source: Kidspot

Alexandra was understandably furious and wrote a heartfelt message on the parenting website Baby Centre, which has now been made unavailable.

She and her boyfriend had already discussed the topic of shaving their daughter’s hair, and while the boyfriend said that it would actually be beneficial, Alexandra definitely wasn’t open to the idea and downright refused.

“My BF and MIL (mother-in-law) shaved my baby! We lightly discussed (he explained why it works and I called bull and refused) about a week ago. I come home yesterday from an hour long grocery run to (a) bald baby.”

There was plenty of discussion about why they should shave the baby’s head at all. Alexandra’s boyfriend told her that shaving it would make the hair grow back thicker, but mom didn’t want to have any of it, and understandably so. According to her, it’s more a cultural thing for the boyfriend’s side of the family.

Alexandra is more upset about the fact that it happened behind her back.

Times of India Source: Times of India

And she doesn’t really have a very good relationship with her mother-in-law either, as she decided to come over for Christmas while she had the flu and couldn’t stop coming close to the baby – posing a huge risk of infecting the little girl.

“Whether it works or not I’m still upset he chose to do it without my consent and that his mom was a participant since she’s already in the doghouse for coming over Christmas Eve and smothering her with kisses when she had the flu.”

As for the baby, mom says she looks weird and funny without her hair.

“My poor baby looks so funny and I’m amazed she sat through it.”

Pexels, Alexander Dummer Source: Pexels, Alexander Dummer

Parents over at the Baby Centre website ridiculed the whole thing about shaving a baby’s hair so that it would grow back thicker, as shaving it has no effect on hair growth at all. After all, the follicles are located beneath the scalp – meaning the development from within the follicle isn’t impacted by shaving it.

The father later apologized and blamed his mom for the whole incident.

Allure Source: Allure

“He apologised and admitted he was wrong for doing so but it was MIL idea since she gave him a new electric shaver for Christmas and he didn’t let me know because he knew I’d get mad.”

“He wanted her to have pretty hair and he feels he doesn’t have a say in anything else.”

Alexandra has received plenty of support and parents simply can’t believe that someone would do this behind her back.

“I would be beyond livid. I have cut people off for much less and this would be the end of some relationships – MIL being first,” one of them wrote.

“That’s not cool that they did that behind your back. I would be furious,” another parent added to the conversation.

“Oh I’d be spitting fire I’d be so mad.”

Alexandra herself later responded to the comments with a couple of remarks of her own.

She explained that it’s a cultural thing and emphasizes that while she’s upset about the hair, she’s much more livid about going behind her back, especially since they knew her stance about the whole thing.

“It’s a cultural thing for them and they’ve done it to all of the girls in the family but I clearly showed my disapproval when asked by both of them.”

“No way in hell they’re staying with her alone anymore I might just walk in with her ears pierced next,” Alexandra concluded.

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Source: HerFamily
