Mom says ‘mean girl drama’ just isn’t worth it, teaches 8-year-old lesson in kindness

You know the movie Mean Girls? Of course, you do, it’s only one of the most iconic films to ever come out of the early 2000s! While it was hilarious and entertaining to watch girls literally be mean to each other, it didn’t necessarily set such a great example for our young girls growing up. Because unfortunately, the idea of mean girls doesn’t just exist in the fictional world — it’s very real, and it’s taking place in every school.

A proud mother who is trying to change her daughter’s perspective recently shared her story all about it via

She shared that after-school conversations with her 8-year-old daughter have become pretty blunt, for the most part. She would ask her kid who was nice to her that day, and who was, well, not-so-nice. According to the mom, mean girls are very real. And they start being mean at a young age.

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This mother never even believed that young girls of that age could be so mean and bossy, but she soon found out they could when one girl, in particular, was sparking drama with her daughter.

There is a group of girls her daughter has been associated with ever since kindergarten. They are all fine for the most part except for one girl, who apparently is as sweet as sugar when parents are present. Once they are gone though, it’s like her second personality comes out. And spoiler alert: it ain’t cute.

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Last year, her daughter would try to play with this group only to have them kick her out. She would come home crying, explaining to her mother that she wasn’t able to have any fun during recess. A teacher even confirmed that the group “has conflicts.” Not really something a mother wants to hear about her poor, innocent child!

Her mother even spoke to the mean girl’s mother, and while it all went smoothly, they both agreed that their two girls should remain separated for a chunk of time.

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Summer break came around and they had their own break, but then when school started back up again, they started to have the same problems with the same patterns. The mean girl would tell her daughter that the group doesn’t have room for her, and that basically, she cannot join or participate in any way.

Her daughter would struggle with this for weeks, exploding in anger and tears when being picked up from school every day.

“Does anyone have fun with her at recess?” the mother asked. “Nobody has fun, she makes everyone act like her servant and cries if and when they don’t do what she says!” According to her daughter, the other girls have been too scared to stand up to the mean girl.

First, the mother boosted her daughter’s ego. So she stood up to the mean girl at the playground and another friend understand what she was doing and joined in. Unfortunately, the “queen bee” just shut it down immediately.

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After this, the mother went through several phases. First, she was trying to give the mean girl the benefit of the doubt…Then, she just got downright angry. Then, she put it all behind her. She eventually sat down with her daughter and had a heart-to-heart and explained that she should walk in all happy, wave to the girls, but to not waste her time trying to “get in” with them. Simply find someone else who will let her play. So that is what she did.

And you know what happened? She felt amazing afterward. Her daughter arrived after school with beaming confidence.

Everything was restored, and her daughter was able to understand her self-worth rather than participating in petty, mean drama!

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