Mom receives news that she'll be welcoming rare identical quadruplet girls

There are a lot of miracles and rarities that can happen each day. You can never know what happens next because everything is so sudden. One of them is giving birth to identical quadruplets.

Based on doctors, the chance of having identical quadruplets is about 1 in 15 million.

Facebook-Thompson Quadruplets Source: Facebook-Thompson Quadruplets

Thatā€™s why when Sawyer, Kennedy, Lakely, and Aurora were born on March 11, it made a lot of headlines.

Taylor Becher and Lance Thompson were a couple from Albertville, Minnesota who were expecting their second child. They already have a 21-month-old son named Linden and they were excited to meet their second child. What they didnā€™t expect was for them to welcome not only one but four children.


During Becherā€™s eight-week ultrasound appointment, the doctor found something unusual.

Facebook-Thompson Quadruplets Source: Facebook-Thompson Quadruplets

At first, the doctor thought they were having twins.

ā€œIt started off as twins. Then all of a sudden, my OB was like, ā€˜No. Thereā€™s three,ā€™ā€ Becher said in an interview with Today.

ā€œAre you sure thereā€™s not another one in there?ā€ Thompson added.

After a closer look, they found out Becher was having quadruplets.

Facebook-Thompson Quadruplets Source: Facebook-Thompson Quadruplets

The couple was shocked and overjoyed, but they were also worried since it is considered a high-risk pregnancy.

ā€œI was scared of having so many babies inside of me,ā€ she admitted.

Her boyfriend was very supportive during her pregnancy.

YouTube-Kare11 Source: YouTube-Kare11

ā€œThere were times when I would Google and stress myself out, but Lance would talk me down,ā€ she said in an interview with MyPositiveOutlooks.

He would calm her down whenever she think about the risks of delivering four children. Itā€™s highly understandable considering that multiple complications can occur with multiple pregnancies.

Based on Stanford Childrenā€™s Org, multiple pregnancies can cause early labor and birth, anemia, high blood pressure, diabetes, birth defects, and worst miscarriage.

Thankfully, Becher surpassed all these challenges during her pregnancy.

YouTube-Kare11 Source: YouTube-Kare11

She was very careful throughout her pregnancy and kept a positive thought. These paid off because she was never placed on bed rest and she got to enjoy purchasing baby stuff for their children. Their kids were also delivered without any serious complications through caesarian birth.

What surprised the couple was that the girls were identical.

Facebook-Thompson Quadruplets Source: Facebook-Thompson Quadruplets

However, Lakely didnā€™t grow as quickly as her other sisters. She was also the smallest weighing only 2 pounds and 10 ounces. But she was a strong girl!

Facebook-Thompson Quadruplets Source: Facebook-Thompson Quadruplets

ā€œShe was growth restricted throughout my whole pregnancy,ā€ Becher shared ā€œThen, she was the only baby who didnā€™t need any breathing assistance!ā€

Truly, Lakey is a strong girl who can handle her own.

Eventually, the girls no longer need a machine to help them breathe. They were growing in a positive and healthy way and the couple hopes they can finally go home. Their big brother is excited to meet them.

YouTube-Kare11 Source: YouTube-Kare11

Becher even recounted that their big brother Linden used to talk and kiss them while they were in their motherā€™s tummy.

ā€œBefore the babies were born, Iā€™d say, ā€˜Do you want to give your sisters a kiss?'ā€ she said. ā€œAnd heā€™d kiss my belly!ā€

This made the couple excited to come home and become a complete family. We hope the girls grew up happy and healthy with their family. To know more about the quadruplets, watch the video below.

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Source: Today, MyPositiveOutlooks, StanfordChildrens
