Mom records babysitter while she’s gone and is taken aback by what she hears

Nicki Maher employed Delaney Wilson to look after her daughter. What started as a mundane playtime led to a discovery that will put Wilson into the limelight.

TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged Source: TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged

The video that Maher uploaded on TikTok garnered 11 million views with the mother whispering to the camera, “This is our babysitter.”

Sitting on a chair and playing with her little girl, Maher took a video of a real-life Disney princess.

TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged Source: TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged

Wilson, sitting and hunched over the small table belted the song “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid. She sang the lines full of verve and power, proving that this all comes naturally to her.

TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged Source: TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged

In the video, Maher was overwhelmingly supportive of her babysitter’s talent. She wrote:

“I am trying to encourage her to put her voice out there more. But she gets discouraged about the way she looks in her videos. And all I see is beauty. So do my kids. Let’s show her some love so I can get her to sing for us more!!!”

Maher knew about Wilson’s insane talent before she even hired her.

TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged Source: TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged

Two of Maher’s friends taught Wilson at the local school and one of them gave Maher a heads up about Wilson’s singing.

This led to the mother of two asking Wilson why she didn’t post more videos of her singing. What Wilson answered broke Maher’s heart. She shared in Fox News what Wilson told her:

“I just overthink it and I never feel like I sound good enough and I just don’t always feel confident in the way I look.”

Wilson told Fox News that this sudden loss of confidence stemmed from “a lot of negative comments” about her voice and persona.

This is where Maher comes in. She wanted Wilson to cultivate and embrace her talents, so she decided to take a video of Wilson while she was singing.

Wilson had no idea that her employer was recording her until Maher showed her the recording.

TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged Source: TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged

She told Wilson that the reason for capturing the moment was for Wilson to hear what Maher heard, and see what she saw.

TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged Source: TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged

Maher hoped that if Wilson can see herself from a different lens, this could give her the confidence to share her talent to the world.

Maher shared with Fox News:

“It’s not that she didn’t know she had a talent that so many people have already told her she had. It’s that she didn’t hear it without knowing she was trying or that someone was watching. So that’s why the video was so beautiful.”

Maher then asked Wilson if she can share the clip on her TikTok account where it blew up.

TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged Source: TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged

Maher didn’t know what to expect until the comments began to fill with messages of support and admiration. Wilson admitted to Fox:

“It’s been absolutely crazy. I’ve gotten so many amazing, like, opportunities and just, I’ve met so many amazing people that have reached out and been so kind to me. So it’s really helped my confidence and it makes me super happy to know that people do want to hear my voice.”

This encounter just proves that every once in a while, a talented person just needs a little encouragement after a torrent of rejection. It can take only one person to restore confidence in another.

TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged Source: TikTok Screenshot - nickiunplugged

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Source: YouTube – Inside Edition, TikTok – nickiunplugged, TikTok – delaneyreneemusic, Fox News
