Mom gives baby her last act of love by tossing her out of a 2nd-floor window

You’re born smitten with them, grow up getting into fights with them and ultimately later form a deeper bond with them.
They’re the only ones who will tirelessly fight for you – even before you realize there’s something worth fighting for. When she says she’s proud of you, it’s an understatement. When she tells you that you’re crossing a line and doing something wrong, take her word for it and allow her to guide you back to the right path with her wisdom.

It’s hard to accept some of the things our moms tell us and teach us but, at the end of the day, we know that our moms love us and there’s nothing they wouldn’t sacrifice for us.

This has been proven time and again, especially in life-threatening situations.
Take 21-year-old Shelby Ann Carter of Illinois. She welcomed her first daughter in 2017 and has taken beautifully to motherhood since.
Despite her age and how most people perceive young moms, Shelby went above and beyond to make sure her daughter was loved and well taken care of.
Shelby loved her daughter so much that she readily sacrificed her life to save her little one from a fire that ravaged their home.
Shelby was at her mom’s place with her child when it happened. Smoke filled each room as the flames spread throughout the house. Realizing there was no way to survive the fire, the quick-thinking mom scrambled to find a car seat, strapped her baby in it, and dropped her from the second floor window.
Despite the firefighters’ efforts to contain the flames, Shelby wasn’t able to make it past the thick smoke. Tragically, she passed away.
Miraculously, the heroic mom’s daughter survived.
A day after the tragedy, Stark County Sheriff Steve Sloan offered some good news.
“The good news is, the baby got home and is doing great.”
In awe of Shelby’s courage and sacrifice, Ed Foglesonger, the Chief of the Wyoming-Speer Fire Protection District, declared,
“It’s just incredible that she was able to pull her thoughts together to save her baby… I’d say it’s nothing short of a miracle the way it ended up.”
Heartbreaking as it is knowing the baby has lost her mom, a supportive village has pulled together to help.
Apart from paying their respects to Shelby’s family, a fundraiser was also organized. Through it, almost $40,000 was raised to help with the baby’s needs.
The way Shelby loved her daughter so fiercely that she would sacrifice her life proved time and again that mothers will do whatever it takes to make sure their children are safe.

As heartbreaking as it is for the baby to grow up without her mom, she will someday be proud of just how brave Shelby was and how she made it through the fire because of her mom’s willing sacrifice. Truly admirable and inspiring, Shelby’s memory will always be alive in the hearts of many.
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Source: The Washington Post, Today, Facebook – Shelby Ann,