Mom warns about son looking “like alien” and being in hospital after disturbing playground game

Keeping up with your child’s online activities has become challenging. In this day and age, children are involved in social media, and they often have unsupervised access to different kinds of hazardous content. To make things worse, numerous challenges have gone viral, and it’s all becoming a lot more dangerous than flipping a bottle or choking down cinnamon.

Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth Source: Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth

Yes, believe it or not – it can always get worse. Just look at the example of a boy from Tuxford, England who almost lost his life because of a viral stunt.

Talking kids into trying different stunts is easier than it seems

Have you ever noticed that your child’s behavior changes under the influence of their friends? That is natural, every human being tends to incline towards some form of socializing, and our kiddos will be tempted to please their peers. Parents need to keep an eye on that process.

Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth Source: Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth

Some things are meant to be experienced and learned on your own, but a child needs to have guidance. People don’t always have good intentions, no matter how friendly they seem. Tyler Broome, an 11-year-old boy from Tuxford, Nottinghamshire, learned that lesson the hard way in September 2018.

Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth Source: Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth

He was at a park with a group of older children. They were merely acquaintances of Tyler’s – he wasn’t friends with them, but they convinced him to try out a YouTube stunt called the ‘Roundabout Of Death’.

DailyStar Source: DailyStar

The play could have had fatal consequences

One of the boys that were with Tyler at the time was 17 years old. It makes him an older teenager, who should have known right from wrong. But no, together they prepared everything and even filmed the whole thing. The extremely dangerous stunt, as its name implies, involves a roundabout. All you need to do is to make it spin as fast as possible. So, what did boys do?

DailyStar Source: DailyStar

One of them had a motorbike, he drove it to the park, laid it on the ground, and used its back wheel to spin the roundabout very fast. Tyler was sat on the roundabout, and he threw up because of all that spinning. Then he passed out. teenagers who were with Tyler at the park laughed when he fainted, never tried to help the poor boy, and eventually fled the scene.

Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth Source: Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth

Tyler suffered very serious injuries, the preteen was rushed to a hospital, and he was at the risk of a stroke

The incident was published by Tyler’s mother, Dawn Hollingworth, who posted Tyler’s photos after the event.

Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth Source: Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth

The boy can be seen laying in a hospital bed, with bloodshot bulging eyes. His face is swollen, puffy, and full of bruises.

Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth Source: Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth

Long after the incident, Tyler still had blurred vision, and he was in a lot of pain. It all happened because he was subjected to extreme negative g-force, and it almost killed him.

Unfortunately, Tyler is not the only one who got hurt because of the roundabout viral craze

It didn’t stop. Kids worldwide are still recreating the challenge. And, you’ll find many more challenges that are equally dangerous and pure nonsense.

Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth Source: Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth

Look up the Benadryl challenge. Kids take that drug so that they can hallucinate, then post those videos online. Then there is the ’48-hour challenge’ that encourages the kid to go missing for two days. ‘The Skullbreaker Challenge’ is extremely worrying, too. It can result in life-threatening head injuries. The list of dangerous challenges is endless. We can only advise you to stay up to date with everything that’s going on online, talk to your kids about it, get them to think, and keep them safe.

The good news is that Tyler made the full recovery

The young boy has been attending regular counseling sessions after he was released from a hospital.

Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth Source: Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth

A year after the accident, Tyler started playing rugby, and the club has been very understanding about his condition, making sure that he doesn’t suffer any serious head injury. We wish him all the best, and let’s hope that he will be able to completely leave that bad experience behind him.

Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth Source: Facebook - Dawn Hollingworth

Moving on is the best option, and Tyler is doing it like a true champion.

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Source: Facebook; DailyStar, ParentingIsntEasy
