Mom sees how macho-looking man treats her daughter on a flight and decides to write him a letter

Whoever said traveling with a toddler was easy probably didn’t have one of his or her own, to begin with. Flying can induce anxiety in both children and adults.

Add to that a child’s inability to keep still for hours and the fact that an airplane is definitely no place for pacing, walking about, and exploring. That’s why moms and dads pull out all the stops when traveling with kids: books, art materials, snacks, gadgets, name it, the parents have thought of it.

They also brace themselves for irritated looks from passengers who aren’t particularly understanding of parents traveling with little ones.

Basically, there’s so much to do.

Pexels - Jason Toevs Source: Pexels - Jason Toevs

One mom shared the exact same sentiment through a story on Love What Matters:

“People can be unkind and impatient, especially with small, overtired children.”

Pexels - Viktoriya Golubkova Source: Pexels - Viktoriya Golubkova

Painful as this reality may be, there’s still hope for people with kids – hope in the form of other helpful, understanding folks such as one kind man who showed nothing but compassion towards a mom and her toddler. Initially, the mom was worried her seatmate was going to show the same reaction as everyone else upon seeing her toddler: worry, disdain, displeasure. A “macho-looking” man in his mid-20s showed none of the above.

Since it was only her toddler’s second flight, the mother was extremely nervous about her son possibly being emotional and overtired but the man seated beside them was nothing but helpful.

The anxious mom boarded Westjet Flight #1221 at 9:30 PM with her son, consumed with worry over how fellow passengers might react towards her toddler and any possible meltdowns or struggles.

Pexels - Mohamed Abdelghaffar Source: Pexels - Mohamed Abdelghaffar

The young man’s gentle and understanding nature assuaged all that. Mentioning all the heartwarming gestures he showed towards her son, the anxious mom wrote,

“The moment I saw you (a big, macho looking guy in probably your late twenties), I was worried that you wouldn’t take kindly to and would be offput by sitting beside a small child. I was completely wrong, and for that I am so grateful. I didn’t get your name, but thank you so much for grabbing his blanket the numerous times he dropped it, half asleep. Thank you for making sure to point your cabin light away from him when he finally did fall asleep. Thank you for being kind and engaging him even though you weren’t obligated to do so. Thank you for offering him (and us) candy and gum for his ears. Thank you for letting him rest his little tired legs and feet on you. And thank you for offering to get down all of our overhead luggage so he wouldn’t be disturbed.”

Pexels - Taryn Elliott Source: Pexels - Taryn Elliott

This flight was this little boy’s second in his entire life, and being such a late one, his mother was nervous that he would be overtired and emotional. She explained,

“Although my son is generally well behaved and quiet, I was anxious and concerned about how these first departure and arrival flights would go for him.”

Pexels - Sheila Source: Pexels - Sheila

It didn’t take long for the letter to reach the young man who was identified as Ali Hyseni.

His response was full of humility.

“It was such a pleasure to meet such a loving family. Although he doesn’t show in this picture, the young boy’s grandfather should be the one receiving all this recognition. His patience and kindness towards his grandson were heartwarming… We should all strive to be like this man.”

Pexels - Sklei Source: Pexels - Sklei

The stranger didn’t realize his actions would leave such an impact on the mom. She concluded by saying,

“Thank you for making our flight experience a lesson in compassion and empathy for others. That little boy will grow into a man one day (hopefully like you) and he will get a lot more out of your simple actions than you realize. You will make a wonderful father some day if you so choose.”

Pexels - Tatiana Syrikova Source: Pexels - Tatiana Syrikova

Let this young man’s example inspire many of us to extend compassion towards parents and their children, especially when traveling.

Watch the video for the heartwarming story!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – Inside Edition, Facebook – Love What Matters
