Mom and daughter are going viral after getting “Footloose” during quarantine
There are all sorts of hobbies one can take up during COVID quarantine. For Erica Pike and her daughter Izzy, that hobby is creating a YouTube channel.
They began posting videos three months ago on Izzy T.V. and their first and most popular video has seen over 29,000 views. Not exactly viral madness, but enough to keep doing what they’re doing.
And what are they doing? Dancing! And a little lip-synching.
Pike is a former cruise ship dancer who now teaches dance (as well as home-schooling Izzy). She also happens to be married to an entertainer who attended the National Centre for Circus Arts!
So it’s clear the apple didn’t fall far from the tree when it came to their daughter having some serious stage presence (sans the stage, for now).
The reason they came to YouTube is explained in the video’s caption:
“Izzy and her mom showing Covid-19 can’t stop the dancing. Stay safe everyone. We posted this video on another platform and in 5 days received 150,000 views, so we decided to start Izzy T.V.”
That other platform is Vimeo, where dad posted it 3 months ago and where it has received over 650,000 views. Impressive!
The mother-daughter duo dances to the Kenny Loggins earwig “Footloose” from the 1984 film of the same name. The plot involves a Chicago teenager (played by Kevin Bacon) moving to a small western town that doesn’t allow dancing and sees him trying to overturn the ban.
It’s the perfect song to dance to since it’s a song meant to encourage people to get up on their feet.
The video begins with a little toe-tapping action and some footwear changes that echo the many costume changes to come. But our first glimpse is of some proper dance shoes.
On their suburban cul-de-sac, the duo dance on the porch, the front lawn, and in the driveway – no doubt giving the neighbors a reason to get up onto their feet as well (at least to come to the window and take a peek).
It’s pretty cute to see Izzy counting the step sequences to keep the rhythm. Mom’s clearly a professional dancer, but Izzy is on her way!
The duo has incorporated a few different styles of dance into their number, from ballet to jazz.
Well, there’s some fun-loving shaking and twisting too – it’s about having fun after all.
It looks like Izzy’s homeschooling involves quite a bit of phys ed, which is great since that’s something most kids are seriously lacking in these days (even IN schools).
She no doubt takes dance or gymnastics on the side as well since she’s pretty adept at nailing the moves as well as flexibility.
The two head inside for a little dancing that helps tell the story of their confinement as well.
We see Izzy expending some energy jumping on the couch and hitting the books, for example, before the two set off on a costumed, sequined blitz throughout the house.
We’re not gonna lie – we actually feel pretty inspired to dance.
What a fun way to while away the hours while getting some exercise! Even better if you can grab a partner to help with the choreography (and costumes).
It’s a pretty darn cute start to Izzy T.V. and we’re a little jealous of this youngster’s fun-loving home.
Even dad gets involved at the end – juggling on his unicycle! (We did not see that one coming.)
The photos just don’t do it justice, so be sure to scroll down below and watch the performance for yourself.
Who knows, you might just start feeling Footloose!
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