“Mother Goose” collects more than 40 babies and defends them like they’re her own

Motherhood is the most incredible and magical thing.

In the animal kingdom, this is manifested by mesmerizing acts of love. And believe it or not, a mother can also do care for someone else’s babies as if they were her own.

Pexels – EVG Culture Source: Pexels – EVG Culture

Of course, this is why you can see videos of dogs taking care of other dogs’ puppies. In fact, some videos even show female cats taking care of little chickens.

A case that recently caught everyone’s attention involved 47 baby geese and their mother.

The situation took place along the Saskatchewan riverbank in Saskatoon, Canada.

YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG Source: YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG

What’s even better is that the person who watched everything was Mike Digout. He’s known for always taking his camera during his walks to take some cool pictures.

Digout explained on his Facebook account that the goslings started to hatch in May.

He also said he was walking on the riverbank when he noticed the incredible number of babies. The photographer noted that his intention was to take some photos of these beauties.

YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG Source: YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG

At one moment, he noticed he was near the mother goose and her little ones.

They were crawling under her feathers, which is one of the cutest things you will ever see!

YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG Source: YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG

“I was stunned that this mom had 16 babies, so I started going back every night looking for this mom and her goslings. And every day it seemed like she had a bigger group,” Digout said.

As you can imagine, the mother had 25 one day, and the next day she had more than 30.

The photographer later determined she had a total of 47 beautiful goslings. But far from doing everything by herself, her mate was helping her.

YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG Source: YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG

After taking a closer look and studying the situation, Digout noticed something spectacular.

He realized that some of the goslings were actually from another family.

This is known as gang brood and is quite normal in the animal kingdom.

YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG Source: YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG

Geese parents take some turns babysitting each other’s babies. This way, the adults can get some rest and take some time for themselves. Just like humans do.

The thing about this mother goose was that she was doing it in a spectacular manner.

The way she managed the whole crew was mesmerizing!

According to Digout, the 47 babies came from three different families. Of course, the mother goose who was taking care of them is one of these families. And far from having a few babies, the truth is that she is the biological momma of 25 of the babies.

YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG Source: YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG

“It is getting harder to tell the oldest goslings from the adult geese. I can’t believe they were tiny little yellow fluff balls just six weeks ago. It has been incredible to watch them grow,” the photographer explained.

Digout also said that he expects the three families to get back together in the short term. He pointed out this would happen once they decide to fly to the south.

In any case, the best part of this experience is the photos.

Each of these pictures not only shows his quality but also the beauty of wildlife. After all, the environments are stunning and the animals seem to pose for the photos.

YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG Source: YouTube Screenshot – SMILE DOG

While we won’t be seeing the family reunion, at least we can enjoy these moments. Let’s hope the goslings can grow up to be as responsible and amazing as this charming mom!

Watch the adorable video below!

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Source: SMILE DOG, Scientific American.
