Mom pregnant with twins finds out her husband has COVID-19 just as her water breaks

Preparing to bring a baby into the world is naturally a very scary thing. There are so many intrusive thoughts that can pop into your mind: What kind of world am I bringing this child into? Will I be a good parent? What if I don’t know what I’m doing? Will my child love me? The list of negative questions can go on and on.

While exciting and wonderful, having a child on any regular day can also be terrifying. Now imagine having a child during today’s climate, in the midst of the coronavirus. Most people would agree that it is not an ideal situation.

It’s not ideal, but there are many mothers-to-be going through the same problem right now.

Jen and Andre Laubauch really had it tough. The Michigan-based couple was expecting twins which were set to be delivered by C-section in May. The couple was simultaneously sick with a virus, so their doctors urged them to get tested for COVID-19.

Detroit Free Press Source: Detroit Free Press

After getting tested, the two were at home trying to relax. All of a sudden, Jen’s water prematurely broke (she wasn’t supposed to give birth for another 8 weeks), so they got in the car and set off to the hospital. While driving, they received a call that would derail everything.

The call was to inform the couple that Andre had indeed tested positive for coronavirus.

Now Andre could not go to the hospital. So Jen got in the driver’s seat, turned around, and drove him back home.

Detroit Free Press Source: Detroit Free Press

“When I dropped him back off at home, I was worried that I might not see him again,” Jen said. “I was afraid he was going to die in his sleep, and he was all by himself.”

Jen hadn’t gotten her results back yet but since she was in contact with Andre, she assumed she had a virus. So for that reason, she decided to stay away from everyone and drive herself to the hospital.

Jen made it to the hospital safe and sound and her twin boys, named Mitchell and Maxum, were delivered by Dr. Deborah Mikula.

Everything about the delivery was more complicated than it would normally be, thanks to coronavirus. So between the complications and driving herself to the hospital, it’s safe to say Jen was overwhelmed.

Detroit Free Press Source: Detroit Free Press

Whenever someone entered the room during the birth, they had to put on several layers of protection including three pairs of gloves at once. This would protect the mother, the workers, and of course, the infants.

Both babies turned out to be healthy, however, they were premature (weighing in at 3 and 4 pounds). For that reason, they needed to stay at the hospital a little bit longer.

What is even worse though, is that because of COVID-19, Jen and Andre were not able to hold their babies after they were born. They had to wait 3 weeks until they could.

Detroit Free Press Source: Detroit Free Press

It turned out that, thankfully, neither baby had the virus. And after those first few weeks, they were finally allowed to go home.


“I want everyone to know that they need to take this virus seriously,” said Jen. “I’m like ‘Oh my God. If you only knew. It’s not just a cold,'” she continued, explaining how frustrating it is that people on social media don’t believe it.

The good news is that soon, Jen and Andre were able to hold their babies and everyone was safe and healthy. Definitely not your typical birth story!

Watch more in the video below.

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Source: Parenting Isn’t Easy / MSNBC / Detroit Free Press
