Mother gently wakes her baby – then child’s heart-melting demeanor gains over 3 million views
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!
Waking babies up is a dangerous game. Do it wrong, and suddenly there’s a screaming monster in the home. This mom shows how to wake a baby up correctly.
Kristin has loved being a mother. Her baby, Avery, is everything she ever hoped for in a child and more.
But of course, one thing that all parents want less of is crying. Just like any other little baby, Avery could wail and wail and wail and wail. And her wailing was especially bad when she was woken up unexpectedly.
For a while, Kristin was stumped. She wanted to lessen Avery’s wailing, but obviously, nap time is vitally important for babies.
All that Kristin could do was practice the best ways to wake Avery without brewing up a storm of tears.
Little by little, she developed techniques that would wake Avery in a way that felt natural to the girl.
Once she had perfected it, she shared a video of her waking method with the world.
The video began with Avery slumbering in her crib. The mother looked over her.
Then Kristin started rubbing Avery’s foot gently. Avery started moving at this, so Kristin eased off on the rubbing.
Then Kristin whispered to Avery “Hey puppies,” hoping that her mother’s voice would further stir the baby.
“Do you wanna wake up now, puppy?” Avery’s eyes were wide open by now. But she was still lying down.
Kristin leaned in a little closer to Avery. Suddenly, the baby was alert and looked up at her mother.
“Hi sweetie,” the mother then said in a low but not whispering voice. Avery stumbled and stood. She was clearly happy and showed no signs of bursting into tears.
Then Avery held on to the side of the crib and reached out for her mother.
Kristin asked Avery if she wanted to go swimming at her grandmother’s home. Avery smiled and nodded her head.
And that’s how you wake a baby without any tears!
Luckily, Kristin uploaded the video to her YouTube channel, where it soon went viral. To date, it has gained over 3.1 million views. It also has more than 28,000 likes and 1,500 comments. People have been saying things like this:
Since that video, Avery has done a lot of growing up!
By the time she was two, Avery had grown a full head of red hair. The bald baby in the waking up video was nowhere to be seen!
She was also laughing as much as possible. Her laughter more than made up for any crying fits!
When Avery turned five, she got to go to Disney World in Florida.
The highlight of her birthday adventure was when she met Ariel, aka The Little Mermaid.
When she was five, she went on another vacation to a slightly less magical place, the garden state itself, New Jersey!
But the trip was still incredible for Avery, because her grandma had moved out there.
Avery is now seven years old.
She, Kristin and the rest of the family continue to have amazing adventures. She also has no trouble waking up!
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Source: KristinQD & AveryOB