Seniors at care facility served dinner by 'Butlers in the Buff' and their reactions are too good

Most of us have heard the saying, “I’m old, not dead” from an elder at some point in our lives. This proves that the famous saying couldn’t be truer. These buff chef’s/butlers, were hired to serve an 89-year-old lady and her friends a 3-course meal. The best part, they only wore aprons and the pensioners’ reactions are hilarious!

Daily Mail Source: Daily Mail

The Milton Lodge Retirement Home in Essex, UK, hired naked butlers to serve their lady residents a 3-course roast dinner and their excitement was palpable

‘Hunks In Trunks’ is a UK based service established in ’08, who provides naked butlers for special events. Thanks to an 89-year-old resident named Joan, the retirees’ got to enjoy a special treat.

Daily Mail Source: Daily Mail

Activity manager of Milton Lodge, Claire Martin, though it was a funny request knew it was going to happen either way so she decided to help them set it up.

“Whenever you ask Joan what she wants that day she always says ‘a man. So we weren’t surprised when she wanted it to be her wish. We had a chat here and everyone was really keen to support it. We had a look online and found a company called Hunks in Trunks. When they turned up we had to let them know what we wanted them to do.” Said Claire

The company has the option of “Trunks or Cheeks” and the frisky old ladies chose “Cheeks.” Meaning the butler/chefs would be wearing nothing under the aprons

Daily Mail Source: Daily Mail

They served a 3-course roast dinner for the 11 elderly ladies, who even invited their daughters and granddaughters, bringing the total to 26 ladies who got to enjoy the buff naked butlers.

The muscular young men had hearts racing at the retirement home and the ladies’ reactions will have you cracking up. This picture of Peggy Rodgers, who’s eyes are wide open and looks like she may be checking her pulse made me laugh out loud!

Daily Mail Source: Daily Mail

Every single lady accepted a massage from the naked men

Even some of the more reserved ladies couldn’t turn down a massage from the ‘Hunks In Trunks,’ they had their backs rubbed, got fed, and even flirted with the much younger men.

The staff at Martin Lodge enjoyed seeing the ladies have so much fun, they definitely needed the exciting encounter with more than friendly bare-bottomed gentlemen. I’m sure some of the ladies snuck in a pinch or two.

Daily Mail Source: Daily Mail

Eldest resident, Doll, who was getting ready to turn 100-years-old, requested the ‘Hunks In Trunks’ come back for her birthday

The retired ladies had such a great time, Doll just couldn’t resist seconds, making a birthday wish in advance for the strapping men to come back for another visit. Being that the ‘Hunks’ all had a wonderful time with the ladies, I’m sure they’ll oblige

“After it had all finished, Doll told the staff she wanted them back for her 100th birthday, so we are going to have them back. They didn’t stop laughing the whole night; they absolutely loved it.” Activity Manager, Claire Martin added.

Daily Mail Source: Daily Mail

Like what you see? You too can hire the ‘Hunks In Trunks,’ just check out their website where they offer multiple different services. To see them in more detail, watch the video below!

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Source: Shareably, Daily Mail, Hunks In Trunks, YouTube
