Naughty boxer does guilty walk of shame to scene of the crime

There’s no denying that dogs are sweet, cute, and cuddly.

They serve a lot of purpose in someone’s life, that’s also why they are called “man’s best friend.”

Though these facts are without a doubt true about dogs, there’s still the other side of the coin about them.

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They sometimes act out.

Especially when they’re not in the mood or if they didn’t get enough attention from their humans. They will poop in the kitchen or anywhere they are not supposed to, and even chew-up and rip anything that they come across.

These unfortunate mistakes that dogs make are very common and as a responsible dog owner, you should deal with it the right way.

Usually, when a dog discreetly makes a mistake, they already know that they did something wrong once confronted by their owners.

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Though dogs don’t understand human language, they can sense if their human is mad or not.

During a confrontation, it is best to let them know that they did something bad, though oftentimes they will look sorry about it.

This guilty Boxer was caught red-handed by his owners.

Was he guilty? His face said it all.

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We are all glad that the interrogation was caught on tape by his dad.

The video was then uploaded on Youtube and to no surprise, got viewed hundreds of thousands of times.

When a dog is sorry about something that they did, especially if they know that it is bad, the guilt inside them really shows. Honestly, whenever it happens, it always turns out pretty sweet and funny.

A Boxer named Tiger was just a pup and in 2017, he ate an entire loaf of French bread.

Unfortunately for him, he got caught by mom- and dad and decided to record everything on tape.

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The scene where Tiger probably gobbled the delicious bread was a complete mess.

A plate on the ground and bread crumbs all over the place. Looks like he’s in a lot of trouble!

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It seemed that the little Boxer pup knew it all along- because as soon as dad started to put him on camera, the guilt on his face was beyond obvious.

He put his head down and his face looked very, very guilty.

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At first, he tried to ignore mom and dad’s questions but he eventually gave in. He knew that he needed to face the consequences of his bad behavior.

His human companions started to call him to go to the scene of the crime, also known as the living room.

So, the interrogations began when dad said, “Tiger, come here, come here.” While mom asked him, “Tiger, what did you do? What did you do?”

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When he was at the messy crime scene, mom even pointed out the bread bits left on the floor while saying,

“Did you eat a loaf of bread? That’s bad. That’s bad, Tiger.”

Tiger’s head was bowed down while wearing a frowning face.

He knew that he’d done something wrong and his face showed nothing but regret and guilt. For the record, they love Tiger so much- they just want him to learn his lesson.

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Going back in the video, dad can be heard saying…

“You went to school to fix this. Someone was teaching you not to do this stuff. We pay good money for you to not screw up. No fighting and no eating things that you don’t need to eat… But you stinking do.”

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Tiger’s parents continued with their lecture while he was seated quietly and just listened to their mild sermons.

He knew that eating an entire loaf of bread was wrong and he was ready to admit his mistake.

Do you think Tiger deserved it?

Teaching your dog a lesson can be hard, especially if they did something terribly wrong. No dog owner likes to yell at their favorite furry creature.

However, when bad behavior becomes habitual- something really needs to be done to correct it as early as possible.

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Interrogating them about something bad that they did is sometimes hard, but it doesn’t mean that you are shaming them. However, it is always best to correct them in private and not in public.

Although they are dogs, they sure still have emotions.

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We can tell that Tiger’s parents were a little upset about what he’d done.

Though that was the case, we are sure that they still love him so much- and so will you when you see his adorable walk of shame.

To see his heart-melting look of guilt, watch the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Shareably, TIGER THE BOXER DOG
