Rude neighbors keep destroying a family’s fence – dad’s revenge ruins at least 3 of their cars

They say good fences make good neighbors.

But if your neighbors keep running over your fence because they’re rude and careless, then you might have to up your fence game.

That’s what one father did after he got sick of his rude neighbors destroying his fence.

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

His daughter shared the story on Reddit.

You can’t pick your family

In an interesting turn of events, the Redditor shared the fact that the fence-destroying neighbors were also distant relatives. And we feel like that explains a lot.

The two households, which are right next door to each other, had also been bickering over where their property line was located for years.

“We live in a small private neighbourhood, the neighbours are related to us more or less (distant relatives). Everybody here is a complete nutjob. They were constantly arguing over decades before me or my brother were even born,” the daughter/Redditor began.

Already we’re off to a bad start.

She continued by both explaining AND illustrating the problem with a chart.

“Our property line is kinda like a square and it is surrounded by road from two sides. Keep in mind that on one part of the road we let our neighbours use 1 square meter of the land so they could use the road safer and not damage our property.”

via Imgur Source: via Imgur

Ok, so a tiny square at the edge of the property seems like it’s bound to be run over when anyone turns off the road.

But when the family whose lawn was being run over refused to pay to cover all of both driveways with asphalt and instead built a fence, his neighbors decided to pretend it wasn’t there. In fact, they just ran it over every time they made the turn.

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

Ah, family!

The last straw

The last straw was when the property owners put in some hedging and a truck on its way to the neighbor’s house destroyed it.

The Redditor explained:

“One day my neighbors order a massive truck filled with tons of wood. The truck driver runs over our fence. Nobody wanted to pay for the damage. Our fence is made out of multiple bushes, trees and a little bit of metal fence too. These plants were now completely destroyed and a part of metal fence completely bent. We had to replant these plants and place a new metal fence. My father told me this was not the first time this happend but actually third. I couldn’t believe it when I heard this. So this is where the revenge begins.”

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

The Redditor’s father, who is a police officer, was understandably angry.

That’s when he decided to dig up the property line marker and fill the disputed territory with rock-filled barrels. His neighbors were very mad and threatened to call the police (a move that was pretty unconvincing to him, obviously).

They also apparently threatened him with an ax, but there’s not much more detail about that.

Sweet revenge

Alas, after installing the barrels, all he had to do was sit back and wait for nature to take its course.

OF COURSE they would keep running over the property. It’s just that now it would destroy their cars.

In the first 6 hours alone, 3 of their cars hit the barrels and were damaged. And you would think that would be a lesson.

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

“Over the period of 1 year these neighbors hit the barrels so much with their cars that the barrels are now worthless,” the Redditor said.

Justice was served.

But dad had a plan to up the revenge level.

“He bought cement, sand and metal poles. One peaceful afternoon my father and I cemented that whole part of the land and placed some lovely flowers on top. So when they hit the concrete they can smell our flowers of victory/defeat.”

Imgur Source: Imgur

As expected, the neighbors kept running over the area, damaging more vehicles:

“As we expected. 5 neighbors in total wrecked their cars on the new fence and nobody came knocking on the door.”

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

Well, that’s probably because they were in the wrong.

We’re not sure what the relationship with these other neighbors is like, but it sounds like a pretty contentious neighborhood in general.

The poster gave some manner of explanation to Bored Panda:

“Some of them are really bad drivers. But they got used to it after a while. There is one neighbor that was drunk most of the time. I wouldn’t say they were drunk driving but merely just turned too soon.”

Wow, sounds like an interesting neighborhood!

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Source: Reddit, Bored Panda, Imgur
