Neighbors enter empty home after hearing loud barking to find dogs caged and abandoned to die

How anyone can abandon an animal is something many of us can’t wrap our heads around. How could someone be so heartless?

Our pets depend on us and it is our job to give them love and the essentials to a happy and healthy life.

That’s why it is so heartbreaking to hear stories like this one.

Thankfully, there are good-hearted people out there working to rescue dogs in such situations.

Facebok - Guardians of Rescue Source: Facebok - Guardians of Rescue

Abandonment is never the solution.

Other than being physically incapable of caring for a pet any longer due to illness or death, there really isn’t an excuse to quit on the commitment you made to your pet. In such cases, the best option is to find someone who can provide a loving home for them.

Pexels - Greta Hoffman Source: Pexels - Greta Hoffman

In this story, however, a family moved out of their home and abandoned their two pit bulls in the vacant house. There was no food left for them and one was locked in a cage. It was clear their previous owner’s intention was for them to die. Not only that, the poor dogs would die a slow and agonizing death, all the while just wondering where their family had gone.

Facebook - Guardians of Rescue Source: Facebook - Guardians of Rescue

A neighbor hears barking from inside the house.

Thankfully, a neighbor heard barking from inside the home. Someone contacted the authorities and rescue organization Frankie Florida of Guardians of Rescue came to investigate. The organization fed and freed the dogs and documented what they found.

“We got a call today about 2 dogs left behind in an abandoned house. When we got there this is what we saw ….the living conditions were terrible and the dogs were living in filth! All alone just waiting…and waiting.”

Dogs excited to be rescued.

Both dogs were excited at the sight of their rescuers. It had clearly been a while since they’d had food or human contact. The pittie that wasn’t locked in a cage couldn’t stop wagging her tail. The dog locked in a cage barked excitedly.

Pexels - Zen Chung Source: Pexels - Zen Chung

The dogs were named Max and Sky.

Their rescuers named the two dogs Max and Sky. We can only imagine what was going through the minds of the poor abandoned dogs. They must have wondered if anyone was ever coming for them or if they’d ever eat again. The dog locked in a cage must have wondered if they would ever roam free again.

Scared and defeated.

The rescue organization posted photos of the conditions the dogs were left in. They noted that both Max and Sky seemed scared and defeated at first.

Facebook - Guardians of Rescue Source: Facebook - Guardians of Rescue
“This is how we found them .. Alone in an empty house scared and defeated…the conditions of the house were terrible.. Good thing we got there before something bad happened to them. Tonight they are out and safe! Together we save them!”
Facebook - Guardians of Rescue Source: Facebook - Guardians of Rescue

Max and Sky are in good health.

Other than being malnourished, Max and Sky were found to be in good health. They have been given a new lease on life after their previous owners abandoned and gave up on them.

If it wasn’t for some concerned neighbors and rescue organizations such as Frankie Florida of Guardians of Rescue, things could have turned out quite poorly for the two of them.

Learn more about this story in the video below.

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Source: Guardians of Rescue/Zoo Land
