Meet Nelson the Norfolk Terrier also known as “the world’s worst sheep dog”

A sheepdog has to be determined.

They have to be athletic, and up for long days of work. It’s what puts these breeds on people’s radars.

The sheepdog breeds have been reliable partners to farmers and herders for centuries, and it’s not hard to see why.

What’s more, sheepdog breeds aren’t limited to a specific size. As long as it can outpace a sheep in short bursts, it doesn’t matter how big or small the dog is.

Though what should matter is them knowing how to do their job, and there’s never a guarantee for that.

YouTube screenshot - James Bell Source: YouTube screenshot - James Bell

This is Nelson.

He’s a Norfolk Terrier with a lot of responsibility.

Nelson is a bit of a celebrity, and it’s specifically because of his important position. A position that he’s not particularly good at.

YouTube screenshot - James Bell Source: YouTube screenshot - James Bell

Nelson’s fame got a jumpstart in this video.

The video is simply titled “World’s Worst Sheepdog”. Pretty critical of a title if you ask me.

YouTube screenshot - James Bell Source: YouTube screenshot - James Bell

It sure is accurate, though.

Norfolk Terriers are “Working terriers”. This means they’re bred for lots of running, tracking, following, and everything in between. The Norfolk had to hit the right spot between too small and too large. Its frame is just right for what it needs to do.

YouTube screenshot - James Bell Source: YouTube screenshot - James Bell

Though Nelson demonstrates that having physical qualifications isn’t enough when you don’t know what you’re doing.

His dad films Nelson’s performance.

It goes about as well as you’d think.

YouTube screenshot - James Bell Source: YouTube screenshot - James Bell

“Nelson, here. Nelson…here!” – and his dad repeats these words hoping the dog eventually understands

After the fifth “Nelson, come here”, his dad just gives up for a bit.

Nelson has the herd’s attention. But now he thinks they’re just playing with him and forgets he’s supposed to herd them. Oh Nelson.

Norfolk Terriers are hardy and filled with energy. The breed saw specialty in chasing small animals like squirrels and rats. It just so happened that their athleticism and size also worked for herding.

YouTube screenshot - James Bell Source: YouTube screenshot - James Bell

Nelson’s got it in him.

He just needs some guidance, you know? I bet those sheep are thinking “Please make up your mind already.”

His dad just can’t help but laugh at Nelson’s adorable incompetence.

But you can’t blame the pup.

He’s genuinely enjoying what he’s doing, even if it’s not productive. Hey, not everything has to be productive. You’ve got to run in the grass and smell the flowers every now and then!

In fact, taking a look at his Instagram, that’s exactly the life Nelson lives. He might not be the best sheepdog, but he’s still a very good dog.

When he’s not trying very badly to herd sheep, he’s at home being a loving companion to his family. He goes for rides in wheelbarrows, basks in the sun, and goes sightseeing with his parents.

But the whole world will still remember him as the playful, goofy dog who had no idea what a sheepdog’s job was.

Head down to see Nelson’s attempt at being a sheepdog. Please find some friends and family to share this article with too!

See Nelson’s adorable incompetence in the video below!

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Source: James Bell on YouTube, Norfolk Terrier on Wikipedia, Norfolk Terrier on AKC, @worldsworstsheepdog on Instagram
