New York is finally close to banning the sale of pets in retail stores

Oftentimes, people find it convenient to have their home pets bought from retail stores instead of adopting one from animal shelters. The idea isn’t bad at all because the process is sometimes easier compared to pet adoption.

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But let us face it, not all these dogs are from reputable and legal breeders. Some, if not the majority of these poor animals are from puppy mills and as we all know, dogs do not have the best treatment there.

That’s why New York is putting a stop to this madness.

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The New York State Legislature finally approved the Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill on June 3rd. This bill, hopefully, will totally irradicate the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet stores in the state.

The Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill just needs the signature of Governor Kathy Hochul for it to finally become a law in New York.

“Having one of the country’s highest concentrations of pet stores that sell puppies, New York State needs to end the sale of cruelly bred puppy mill dogs in pet shops by finally passing the New York Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill,” ASPCA President and CEO, Matt Bershadker said.

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“Shutting down the puppy mill pipeline will help stop unscrupulous breeders from engaging in—and profiting from—unconscionable brutality. This legislation passed the Senate last year, and we look forward to working with Senator Gianaris and Assemblymember Rosenthal this year to advance the bill through the full Legislature to make it law, signaling New York’s determination to reject animal cruelty statewide,” he added.

A win-win situation for both animal lovers and home pets.

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The Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill follows the same legislation in other states and cities like Dallas, Maryland, and California. These types of laws are making the complete stoppage of selling pets from puppy and kitten mills.

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It goes without saying that it will soon immobilize the operations of non-reputable and illegal breeders who are milking money at the expense of these poor animals.

Of course, nobody wants these companies and stores to lose their only source of income, what they want is for abusive breeders to stop gaining from such animal abuse.

Stop shopping and start adopting.

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If there will be fewer pet stores across the country, it will surely propel the increase of people wanting to adopt dogs and cats from animal shelters.

The bill’s sponsor and Senate Deputy Leader Michael Gianaris said, “With so many good animals in need of rescue, there is no need for pet stores to sell animals from abusive puppy mills. Our four-legged companions should be treated with respect, not like commodities. I will continue to fight for this legislation and build momentum with the support of our advocate allies, including the ASPCA.”

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We couldn’t agree more. For every cat or dog that you adopt, you are not just bringing home an animal companion at home but you are also saving them. You are giving these poor animals another chance to live a joyful life.

Hopefully, this bill officially becomes a law, and more cities, states, and even countries will have the courage to follow through with it.

Know more about this bill in the video below.

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Source: The Dodo, ASPCA
