Newborn fawn walks right up to little girl

A lot of people love animals, there’s no doubt about that. We all know the common family pets like cats and dogs. Most people have the ability to train and befriend these animals- but few are those who can tame a wild one.

It’s very uncommon to see people gifted with the natural charm that helps them communicate with animals with so much ease. Especially if that animal is something as fleeting as a newborn baby fawn.

But this little girl will show you how it’s done.

Meet Maya, the “Deer Whisperer.”

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This dad was able to capture a beautiful sight between his young daughter and a young fawn.

The rare encounter happened when they came back from a canoeing trip and were unpacking their vehicle. While doing so, they noticed a baby deer that came out from the woods.

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The fawn walked over to their front yard and Maya was there to welcome their unexpected visitor.

Usually, for a kid her age, they would act out excitedly, which oftentimes scares animals away, but Maya was different. She stayed calm, crouched down, and gestured her hand, she was like asking it to come closer.

And the baby deer accepted Maya’s invitation.

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The fawn walked towards Maya and it was like a scene from a fairy tale.

She remained calm and made it clear to the little creature that she meant no harm. She allowed it to linger close to her as the little deer sniffed her hand.

Good thing was that her dad, Brad Herring is a videomaker and he was able to capture the very special moment between his daughter and the baby animal.

Do they have a special connection?

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It looked like Maya was no stranger to taking good care of animals.

Pretty soon, the baby deer gave its full trust to her.

It may have sensed the good and pure heart of the little girl. She then started caressing the fawn gently on it’s back. It was clear that the two had a mutual understanding, thus making them click in an instant!

According to Brad, “Maya knew it needed its mother.”

She definitely fell in love with the fawn- however, she also wanted to help get the baby back to the woods to reunite with its mom. They thought that the baby deer’s mom was in the woods, eating and recuperating after giving birth.

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On the WildCare website they explain:

“Mother deer know that their presence near their babies alerts predators to the fawns’ existence, which puts them at risk. In order to keep her young safe, a doe will leave her fawn in a secluded area, often for as long as 12 hours, distracting predators away from her baby while she forages for food.”

Finding mommy dear.

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Maya then walked the fawn back to its natural habitat, the woods.

She used hand gestures for the little deer to follow her and amazingly, it did.

Wherever Maya went, the deer was there tailing her. She was like its temporary mom.

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It may be a short-lived adventure but these two kiddos definitely made a perfect match!

In the YouTube video description, Brad wrote:

“The fawn had a good sense about Maya and followed her every step. They were inseparable from the moment the met.”

And it was time to say goodbye. Till we meet again my little buddy.

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Maya successfully led the fawn back into the woods where it ended up laying down on some dried leaves.

She then bid goodbye to her new pal and peacefully walked away.

It’s a happy but sad moment for them because she needed to let go of her new friend that early.

Not to mention, The Black Lillies’ tune “Yes I Know” playing in the background which intensified the emotions even more.

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The heart-warming video gained 6.5 million views since it was posted.

In the same video which Brad titled “The Deer Whisperer”, he wrote an update about the fawn:

“Update: we saw two doe and two fawns in our neighbors yard yesterday and then again a fawn and doe in our backyard today so we are pretty certain that she was found.”

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Maya showed us that her innocence can tame any wild animal.

Perhaps, she might be related to some fictional princesses who can talk to animals, like Snow White and Aurora. What do you think?

Watch Maya and her new-found little friend from the wild in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Animal Channel, Brad Herring
