North Carolina police force ask for with naming new K-9 pup and received thousands of suggestions

If you go visit the Union County Sheriff’s Office (UCSO) in Monroe, North Carolina, you will meet their new employee who added so many smiles in their department.

The new employee is an 11-week-old German shepherd puppy. A pup who needed help since he still didn’t have a proper name.

Sheriff Cathey had a great idea as a result of their dilemma.

He decided to ask their Facebook followers for name suggestions. The new K-9 had no idea but the response has been overwhelming.

The puppy is still called “Puppy Doe”, so he was pictured with those adorable ears and a handsome face, causing many users from all parts of the world commenting.

The department went ahead and gave their insights into the pup’s personality. The aim was to give people an idea which would help them think of a good name for a good boy.

The department wrote, “While thinking of a name to submit, we want you to consider the following character traits observed in this new puppy up to this point:

  • He does like long walks in the park.
  • This pup enjoys rolling around in the grass even though he’s told not to.
  • He is also prone to public displays of affection, like licking people without asking or providing prior notice.
  • Loves tearing up a new tennis ball from time to time, especially when he is in the mood.
  • He prefers his toys be thrown overhand and not underhand, and no one there knows why this is so.
  • And he comes from a family of service dogs, with his mother once an explosives detection K-9.

The names came in one after the other, but the department made it clear that there are two names they will not consider.

They gave everyone a heads up that “Sir Sitsalot” and “Fluffy” were ruled out as potential names, then they apologized for the inconvenience since many others seem to have requested for those.

So one person proposed, “Valor” with the thought that a K-9 officer like this pup would be willing to risk and even give his life if needed.

Another user wrote, “With those ears, I think RADAR is a great name! He will be able to “track” down all the bad guys!”

There was another really good suggestion. “Jeff”, in memory of Sgt Jeffery Greene who lost his life in the line of duty in Union County. Now that’s a great name!

The cutoff date for names was on a Friday at 8 a.m.

Now the day may have passed, but suggestions for names kept coming in. Imagine the hard work they had to do having to narrow down thousands of names into just five.

The UCSO posted that they will compile a list of the five most popular names. A new social media post was created so people could vote on their favorite name.

Which one is yours?

Follow them on Facebook and see which name “Puppy Doe” will have!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site, Union County Sheriff’s Office, Monroe, NC
