ER nurse peers out window to see elderly man holding handwritten sign

The spread of COVID-19 has dramatically impacted our world. With most businesses closed and only essential workers still employed, unemployment has skyrocketed.

But while people are quarantined in their homes enjoying downtime, nurses and doctors working the frontlines have a gruesome reality.

Instagram/davidruffinjr Source: Instagram/davidruffinjr

They’ve watched older victims give up their ventilator to children in need, they’ve run out of crucial protective equipment, they’ve had to watch people say goodbye to their families way too soon and the trauma this has induced will need to be recognized.

As these fearless healthcare workers continue to fight for the lives of strangers we are told to stay inside which is the least we can do to support our outstanding doctors and nurses.

Flickr/Kofla Olivieri Source: Flickr/Kofla Olivieri

But one man owes everything to these hard-working ER nurses at Morristown Medical Center in New Jersey, and he needed to let them know how appreciated they truly are.

That’s when Allison Swendsen heard a knock on the facilities window and couldn’t believe her eyes.


The mystery man held a sign up to the window that read,

“Thank You All In Emergency For Saving My Wife’s Life I Love You All”.

Swendsen has been a nurse at the New Jersey Medical Center for over a decade and just two months has endured immensely emotional situations.

This simple sign had left her and other nurses in tears while the mystery man holding the sign had tears streaming from his face.

Facebook/Allison Swendsen Source: Facebook/Allison Swendsen

Swendsen asked the man if she could take a picture of his beautiful sign and he nodded without question. Swendsen was able to share it with the other nurses in her department and also over 70,000 other people.

The power of connection even through a window is more impactful than we can comprehend sometimes.


This man was able to bring a beam of light into much darker circumstances with a kind gesture and deep gratitude.

Healthcare workers deserve every bit of respect that exists and we’re so happy to see someone bring that support right to there windows.

Facebook/Allison Swendsen Source: Facebook/Allison Swendsen

Swensden wrote about her interaction with the man in her caption saying,

“In triage the other day, I heard a knock on the window… this was what I saw- this man knew he couldn’t come in but wanted to show some gratitude- i asked through the window if I could snap a picture and he nodded, he had tears pouring down his face- I peeked out the door and asked him how his wife was- he said “great, she is going home today, you are all amazing” I dont know him, I dont know his wife, but through out the last 13 years as a nurse, I realized, this is why we do it- times are tough but we make a difference. I love my team ❤️Morristown Medical Center”

These selfless heroes have dealt first-hand with this brutal pandemic while putting themselves at risk. They deserve every bit of happiness shined into their lives.

Instagram/dianaxoxo97 Source: Instagram/dianaxoxo97

Thank you to healthcare workers all over the world that continue to fight this pandemic you are real-life superheroes!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Spotlight Stories, USA Today, Facebook
