Nurses moved to tears when 6-month-baby with health issues beats COVID-19

COVID-19 has affected millions of people across the world. The virus has brought with it tales of sadness and despair, of doctors having to choose who to put on ventilation, and funerals that nobody can attend.

But amongst the sad stories, there are those that inspire hope and optimism. One of these stories features a baby girl, aged just six months, called Erin Bates.

Erin’s parents had been trying for a baby for ten years when their little sweetheart, who they called their “miracle baby”, was finally born on October 8, 2019.

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But on 29 November, just over a month after Erin came into the world, the parents received some devastating news: Erin was diagnosed with a heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot.

Poor little Erin’s life was difficult from that moment on. She had open heart surgery to repair her heart, and spend the following week in intensive care.

Heartbreakingly, after just 48 hours of being back on the cardiac ward, Erin caught Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a lower respiratory tract infection that mostly affects children and infants.

The little girl became very ill at this point, and Erin’s parents were told that they might lose her.

The next few weeks were incredibly tough for all involved. Erin’s lungs collapsed, and doctors diagnosed her with bronchomalacia, weak bronchial tubes, and tracheomalacia, narrowed airways. It was also found that Erin’s heart was large, and was complicating matters by pushing against her airways.

And then, as if things couldn’t get any worse for the Bates family, on 10 April, Erin tested positive for COVID-19.

Erin was put on a breathing machine to provide her with the oxygen she needed. Her parents, who had already been through so much, could only desperately hope that she could pull through once more.

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Erin received her treatment at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool in the UK, and for the next two weeks, doctors and nurses alike prayed for her recovery.

Emma, Erin’s mom, stayed hopeful – but she knew she had to prepare to the worst.

But little Erin was a fighter! At the two-week mark, it was determined that Erin had recovered completely from the virus.

A spokesperson for the hospital explained the situation: “Six month old Erin was recently diagnosed with #COVID19 and was in an isolation room here for 14 days with mum Emma whilst being treated.”

“Today, Erin beat COVID-19 and received a guard of honour by the treating team on our HDU as she was moved out of isolation.”

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The nurses’ response as Erin was wheeled out of isolation was incredibly moving. On the video, we can see healthcare workers lining the corridor, clapping and wiping away tears as the baby girl is pushed past them in her hospital crib.

Emma shared the incredible news, saying:

“Our little girl has beat COVID-19. We are so proud.”

She added, “Thank you to all the staff at Alder Hey you are truly amazing.”

You can learn more about Erin’s story on her GoFundMe page, which the family has set up to raise money to pay for her ongoing medical needs. While Erin has beat the odds once again, her battle isn’t over just yet.

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Erin’s parents hope that their baby daughter will be able to come home for her birthday in October. We sincerely hope that this little fighter is strong enough to overcome her illnesses and grow up to be a healthy little girl.

You can watch the touching video of Erin’s guard of honour in the video below.

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Source:, Facebook/ Erin’s Journey, GoFundMe
